Thursday, December 6, 2018

James Patrick Holding: abusing vulnerable people

Post date:  December 6, 2017

Just a few minutes ago, I clicked on each of Holding's YouTube Videos as shown below

..and "reported" them for "Hateful or abusive content > Abusing vulnerable individual"with the following message added:

This video is about me, Christan Doscher,  I suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder.  Mr. Holding, the uploader, has believed (falsely) since 2015 that I am 'dangerously' mentally unstable, so it is certain that he is only posting such videos in an effort to cause me to do something illegal like trying to murder him.

These videos about me by Mr. Holding would be libel-by-implication even if not libel, and perhaps the tort of "outrage" also.  I get suicidal over such things. Please remove


  1. Update:

    I also just sent YouTube a complaint about Holding using my full legal name without my permission.

    One has to seriously wonder: If Holding does not have an emotional disorder, then how can he expect the normal mature adult to sympathize with his obvious desire to promote hatred and abuse of vulnerable people?

    Sure, I fight back as I can through this blog...but Jesus fucking Christ, Holding told his lawyers in 2015 that I was "dangerously" mentally ill, and that he was genuinely frightened that I'd try to murder him in a courtroom.

    In other words, Holding's own fright about the severe extent of my emotional disabilities requires him to agree with me that, for purposes of YouTube's policies, I am a "vulnerable person" about which he was posting hateful speech.

    No, you fucking idiot Mr. Holding, you don't get a free pass merely because you think you aren't violating any laws with those videos.

    YouTube's policies are more restrictive than mere civil and criminal law.

    I hope they delete every fucking one of your videos permanently, you disgusting excuse of a "Christian".

  2. Here's the confirmation email i got from YouTube:

    On Thu, Dec 6, 2018 at 4:23 PM YouTube Support Team wrote:

    Hi Christian,

    This email confirms that we have received your Privacy Complaint for the following content:

    To provide the uploader an opportunity to remove or edit their video, we have notified the uploader of the potential violation. Your privacy is respected during this process. At no point will your identity or contact information be released to the uploader without your consent. YouTube provides the uploader 48 hours to take action on the complaint. If the uploader removes the video during these 48 hours, the complaint filed will be closed. If the potential privacy violation remains on the site after 48 hours the complaint will get queued for review by the YouTube Team. There is a high volume of privacy complaints submitted; please be patient, your complaint will be carefully reviewed.

    During these two days you may retract your claim by following this link and confirming your retraction:

  3. Needless to say, if anybody removes or modifies Holding's videos, both Holding and his followers will have to live with the fact that while they pretend to be 'spiritual warriors' who ceaselessly mistake insult for spiritual maturity, they were acting in total ignorance (I say with full knowledge of) YouTube's policy forbidding those kind of videos.

    I think this is the part where Holding reminds us that he never said he was perfect. A dramatic change in attitude from the attention-whore know-it-all that pretty much exhausts all there is to say about him.


My reply to Bellator Christi's "Three Dangerous Forms of Modern Idolatry"

I received this in my email, but the page it was hosted on appears to have been removed  =====================  Bellator Christi Read on blo...