To read the full story, start with the comprehensively detailed First Amended Complaint which I filed in federal court, download here.
James Patrick Holding, the homosexual apologist I sued, twice, took down his legal funding webpage after the lawsuits concluded. He mentions the lawsuit and link here.
The link to "funded justice" is expired, but still available through wayback here.
I will now answer Holding's statements on that page, and you might discover why Holding allowed it to expire. No, it wasn't because the lawsuit was concluded. It was because he said stupid shit that makes him sound dishonest:
False. I spoke of possibly suing the other 19, but Holding, the Mr. Bigmouth of the group, was the only one ever specifically named in any filed lawsuit (aside from a "John Doe" who was never identified). But characterizing this as "named as targets" is just a bit misleading.Social Sharing will be enabled when the project is launched.
In July 2015, 20 members of the TheologyWeb forum were named as targets of a “libel” lawsuit by a former atheist member.
Neither Holding nor Nick Peters are public figures. Holding never claimed such status or defense in the lawsuits and he isn't a public figure according to the legal standards of his own home state of Florida. See Porter v. Sanchez, Dist. Court, MD Florida 2017Two of us are pictured who are public figures among the 20, including myself.
Concerns that could just as easily have been true about me, but which didn't slow down Holding in the least from libeling me. Nobody wonders why Holding, after the lawsuits, let his 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation be administratively dissolved and suddenly discovered the good of focusing on Indonesian churches. It is only they that might express any approval of Holding's libels, given their honor/shame approach. Perhaps Holding will consider moving to some poverty-stricken part of Indonesia where illiteracy reigns, so that he can just publicly cuss anybody who disagrees with him, and REALLY do things the way Jesus did; live and in real-time. Holding is a pussy, more like the 6 year old doing prank phone calls, than the fearless leader who smears his opponents to their faces in real time the way Jesus allegedly did. Holding never once talked shit to Dr. Richard Carrier during their live 2009 debate. Holding has proven that while he likes the "call names" part of the bible, he doesn't like the "say it to my face, bitch" part of the bible.So far only one (me, James Patrick Holding) has been served with complaint and summons, and litigation is in process. Of the remaining 19 people, many are vulnerable because of their limited incomes, or because of serious health issues for themselves or their family.
Which was a pointless waste of money since Holding boasted in 2015 and 2016 that any libel lawsuit would be frivolous and could be dismissed with nothing more than his mailing in a motion to dismiss. Stupid assholes sometimes need to be kicked in the head before they discover the obvious, and Holding was never any exception.An attorney has been hired, and for the past several months has been working on the case.
That's right, fuck the merits, all you care about is winning at any cost. Perhaps that's why you begged for donations without offering a link to the Complaints/Lawsuits filed against you. Perhaps the people that donated money to your legal fund didn't give two shits whether you were guilty under the law or not, seeing as they never so much as even asked to review the merits of my case against you before deciding whether to donate. Their hero was in trouble, and they flocked to you like toddlers flock to a parent. No thinking or reasoning, just automatic knee-jerk response.A win for me in court will help shield the other 19 targeted defendants.
Maybe you should have provided a link to the Complaints. That would enable a person to more objectively decide whether your infamously foul mouth actually crossed the line into actionable libel or not.We humbly ask for the assistance of others in defending ourselves from this lawsuit.
Because you are a Pharisee, and as such, more worried to exploit trifles of law than argue the merits. Jesus accused the Pharisees of being legalistic hypocrites more worried about technicalities than broader concepts such as justice. Matthew 23:23.Any funds gathered will be used as follows:1) To defray my attorney expenses. Currently we are working on a motion to dismiss the case based on lack of personal jurisdiction (I do not live in the same state as the Plaintiff).
Again, because you don't give a shit what the merits are, you merely come running to the aid of your friends as quickly as Nazis rush to the aid of Hitler.2) To prepare a similar defense for any of the others in the group, should they be served with a suit.
That's not quite as optimistic as your cocky belligerent bullshit from Tweb in 2015, where you mocked the very concept of you being sued for libel, and asserted how easy it would be to get my lawsuits dismissed. Well fuck you.3) To prepare an alternate defense, should either 1) fail, or should one of us be sued in our own home state.
Project FAQAnd don't ask about the merits, just rake in that money, never dreaming that even under your own worldview, stupid Christians coming to your undeserved legal rescue could also be something orchestrated by Satan. Only dipshit undiscerning Christians automatically assume any winning of the Lottery comes solely from God. But even stupid people know that signs of success can be enjoyed by those whom Satan is using.
Has this cost you any legal fees so far?
Hello Jack, So far the toll has been $7700, of which $600 has been covered by other members of the forum. Thank you for contributing! JP
Do I have to create an account to give a donation?And don't worry about the merits of the lawsuit. Once you've said "James Patrick Holding", you've uttered the words of unchangeable righteousness.
I'm told that there is a way to donate as a guest. Look for a button that says "continue as guest."
Can I donate with PayPal?WTF? Whatever happened to your normal address
Yes. Please use my email address at
That still seems like a lot of money to spend. Does that mean the Plaintiff has a good case?False, you boasted in 2015 and 2016, long and loud, at your theologyweb playground that you could get any libel suit against you dismissed by merely mailing in a motion to dismiss. There's a lot of difference between the cost of a 50-cent stamp and the cost of $21,000 in legal fees you eventually ended up footing. But it certainly taught your stupid ass a lesson you'll never forget. I made you kiss goodbye your dogshit non-profit corporation. No coincidence that you held the tektonics 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation for 15 years, then dropped it like a hot potato after being sued for libel. Trouble is, you cannot just admit you were defeated morally and biblically. All you give one holy fuck about is the technicalities.
How much money is spent has very little to do with the virtues of a case.
One of the most obviously frivolous suits in recent times was the so-called "pants" lawsuit, Pearson v. Chung, in which a judge sued a small dry cleaning business for allegedly losing his favorite pair of pants. The plaintiff, sued for $67 million because of alleged mental anguish and inconvenience. He even asked for damages because he would have to drive to a different dry cleaning business from now on. The Chungs spent over $80,000 on their legal defense (which thankfully, they recovered by way of fundraising efforts like this one) before the case was finally dismissed for the fraud it was. The sad fact is that Plaintiffs can make up all kinds of claims of damages and force litigation to occur.Then how do you explain God being wrong about how easily frivolous lawsuits can be dismissed? Why don't you use god's posts to Tweb in 2015 as proof that god exists?
What will happen to any unused funds?False: you were prepared to have a hearing on your motion to dismiss before you ever hired a lawyer. The truth is that you were afraid, and rightly so, your motion to dismiss would be denied. Since people like you commit suicide every time they are forced to admit they got something wrong, you thought it better to waste other people's hard earned money by hiring a lawyer, despite your cocky belligerent assurances at Tweb in 2015 of how incurably innocent you were of libel, and how any such lawsuit would be shockingly frivolous, you big-mouthed disgraced tail-chasing squealing marmot.
The statute of limitations on the claim involved (libel) is up to two years. Once that has passed we'll disburse any remaining funds to charity.
Why has it taken several months for the case to progress to this point? Shouldn't it be dismissed by now?
The sad reality is that our court systems are clogged with cases, and it can take a long time to get to certain types of hearings like summary judgment dismissals.
In this case, we asked for a date for such a hearing in December 2015, and were told that May 6th was the earliest available date for a summary judgment. So there's no way we could have gotten a dismissal hearing any earlier.You are a lying sack of shit: You sent in several motions to dismiss and you obtained a hearing date for them before you ever hired a lawyer, and you voluntarily allowed your newly hired lawyer to strike these hearing dates.
Also, although it's been 7 months since my attorney started on the case, he's actually only worked a total of 30 or so hours in it in that period, plus some work by his paralegal. He does have other cases on his docket besides mine, which I appreciate. Either way, 30 hours seems pretty fast to me!Gee, 30 hours studying a case that you assured everybody on Tweb in 2015 was completely frivolous in every way and could be dismissed with nothing more than your mailing in a motion to dismiss?
Did you get schooled the hard way? Or does James Patrick Holding lack the requisite genetic hard-wiring necessary to notice when he has been stomped? I vote for the latter, based on his internet history. No, Christian Research Institute's keeping you on as a guest writer doesn't prove shit, Hank Hanegraaff is equally notorious as you for failing to notice when alleged Christian leaders have failed their biblical moral duty. And Hank's apathy toward you not caring whether the bible is the inspired word of God or not...well let's just say its no surprise when hypocritcal evangelicals apostatize to the Greek Orthodox church.. Apparently, not even 20 years of defending Evangelical doctrine as the Bible AnswerMan is enough apologetics to ensure that you've found the actual "truth". The average atheist, who knows nothing of the bible, would be reasonable in light of such radical turnarounds, to refuse to bother with that tangled mess of ambiguous crap called "theology".
Why are you asking for dismissal based on personal jurisdiction and not the merits of the case?And Pharisees routinely tithe mint and neglect the weightier matters of the law, like justice, Matthew 23:23. Did you have a point?
Why does anyone do that? Attorneys regularly ask for dismissals based on jurisdiction rather the "merits" of a case.
A leading analogous case, Burdick vs Superior Court, is one such example, and there are many others. The simple answer though is that it is easier, faster, less expensive, and it discourages plaintiffs who are unlikely to be able to challenge the defendant on their own home turf, for whatever reason (expense, fear, etc.). I'd say all four of those apply here.That makes no sense: There is nothing easier, faster or less expensive about hiring a lawyer to represent you. Once again, you filed your own motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction before you ever hired a lawyer. But I thank you for hiring the unnecessary lawyer, because if you hadn't chosen to make things more expensive for yourself, I'd never have discovered those private internet messages in which you libeled me to other people. Maybe you should write a book on how God doesn't catch YOU in your own crapiness.
Why have you not given out the name of the plaintiff or the details of the lawsuit?Then you were violating "standard" conduct when blathering so uncontrollably like a 3 year old at Tweb in 2015 about how God (i.e., you) is not subject to lawsuit.
It's pretty much standard that you don't talk about the details of your case publicly.
To me, that includes not discussing the names and identities of the opposing parties.Sure, but only after you publicly disclosed my name and the details of the case against you in your Internet Predator Alert, which your attorney forced you to take this down under threat of more liability. Once again, Mr. Know-it-All got schooled the hard way, and would rather die than admit his mouth fucked up his life's ambition.