Thursday, October 24, 2019

My new warning to another follower of James Patrick Holding

Hello, Mr. Holding and his attorney Mr. Livingston:  As you can tell, I'm frightened of the prospect of litigating a defamation lawsuit against Holding.  So much that I even asked the Court to stop delaying its ruling on your pending motion to dismiss.  Here's another one of my recent messages to somebody who recently betrayed their ignorance of Holding's true nature.

At Holding's YouTube channel and in reply to one of his starstruck followers, I posted the following

I noticed your flattering words to James Patrick Holding lately.  I'd like to therefore inform you of something you apparently didn't know about.

1st Corinthians 5:9-11 requires the Christian to disassociate themselves from any so-called 'brother' who is immoral, and one example of immorality Paul cites there is "reviler".  To "revile" means to slander, or hurl abusive speech toward. 
 11 But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler-- not even to eat with such a one.
 12 For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church?
 13 But those who are outside, God judges. REMOVE THE WICKED MAN FROM AMONG YOURSELVES. (1 Cor. 5:11-13 NAU) 
Did you notice that last verse?  Yeah, apparently Paul thinks Christian 'brothers' who go around reviling others, are "wicked".  Paul there was quoting or paraphrasing from Deu 13:5; Deu 17:7, Deu 17:12; Deu 21:21; Deu 22:21, all of which require the "wicked" person to be killed.  I'm not saying Holding should be killed, I'm only informing you that under your own Christian logic, God views the 'brother' who goes around reviling others, as steeped in sin and having serious issues that attention-deficit YouTube cartoons likely aren't going to fix.

Ephesians 5:4 prohibits filthiness, silly talk, coarse jesting, and since you appear to know Holding' s history, you hardly need to be told that most of it consists of filthiness, silly talk, coarse jesting, etc.

Colossians 3:8 forbids anger, wrath, malice, slander, and more, and since you appear to know Holding's history, you hardly need to be told that most of it consists of anger, wrath, malice and slander.

Holding's obvious love of "exposing" those who criticize him would also constitute the sin of "gossip", and this would be yet another reason you'd be required, as a Christian, to disassociate yourself from him: 
 19 He who goes about as a slanderer reveals secrets, Therefore do not associate with a gossip. (Prov. 20:19 NAU) 
Paul includes "gossip" among the list of other sins he "fears" he will find when he visits the church in Corinth.

 20 For I am afraid that perhaps when I come I may find you to be not what I wish and may be found by you to be not what you wish; that perhaps there will be strife, jealousy, angry tempers, disputes, slanders, gossip, arrogance, disturbances; (2 Cor. 12:20 NAU)

Gee, Holding's ministry over the last 20 years could never be fairly characterized as "strife, jealousy, angry tempers, disputes, slanders, gossip, arrogance, disturbances..." could it?

My blog reveals communications from Habermas, Blomberg and other legitimate Christian scholars who formerly publicly endorsed Holding, who did not know Holding was such a foul-mouthed  asshole.  They have withdrawn their public endorsement of him.  They also told me that they see no biblical justification, whatsoever, for today's Christian engaging in insults against their critics.   That is, not even Holding's few spiritual mentors think he correctly understands basic NT ethics.  How sad is that?

Just how much of a "reviler" is Mr. Holding?  That brings up the subject of my having sued him multiple times for libel/slander:

In 2015, I sued Mr. Holding for libel.  He escaped on a technicality, but only after paying more than $20,000 in legal fees...and only after I forced him to disclose numerous private emails and messages he engaged in with others, wherein he slandered me even more...messages which for obvious reasons he would never have disclosed unless I had forced his nose to the legal grindstone.  That is, I am reasonable to believe Holding's slanders aren't limited to what he says publicly, and its nothing but blind luck if I manage to uncover otherwise unknown instances of defamation.

In 2016, I sued him a second time for libel, again, he escaped on a technicality.  Both times he successfully avoided having to answer the charges on the merits.  That's what "escape on a technicality" means.

You might figure that even rabid pit bulls become dissuaded to continue biting after they are jack-hammered to hell and back.  Not so.  After paying $20,000 to escape the first lawsuit, and luckily escaping the second, both due to technicalities, Holding, like a mentally deranged pit bull, continued slandering me anew.

And that's not the worst part.  Holding continued slandering me despite drawing his own firm conviction in 2015 that I was "dangerously mentally unstable". 
Do you know anybody who intentionally provoke dangerously mentally ill people in the hopes that they will fly into a rage and end up in jail?  If you know Holding, then you'll unfortunately have to answer "yes".

So In 2018, I sued him for libel a third time, the court refused to dismiss the case finding that if my claims were true, they would justify jury trial for damages.  The Court expected us to begin the expensive process of exchanging discovery and evidence without ruling on Holding's pending motion to dismiss.   He was forced to hire a lawyer, the suit is not going to be dismissed, and he will end up paying probably another $20,000, at the very least, just to defend himself.   That is, Holding's obstinate nature is so extreme, he will not change his illegal ways even if they end up forcing him to give up most of his retirement nest egg.  one can only wonder how his wife, who is otherwise a good person and unrelated to this mess, feels about her own savings being wasted on lawyers because of her husbands utterly unstoppable mouth.

Try thinking that one over for a while before you donate money to his "ministry".  Perhaps you should ask Holding to setup a paypal donation link for his wife's bank account, she really doesn't want her hard earned money going to pay for stupid sins that she had nothing to do with.

It might behoove you to engage in a bit of critical thinking and research before you extol Holding's virtues too much more:  The bible does not support the stupid juvenile delinquent premise that a Christian "teacher" is qualified to be a teacher merely because they've memorized a lot of information about apologetics.  In light of the bible verses cited above, it's clear that the Christian "teacher" also needs to be walking in the light of Christ (i.e., not living in sin, such as adultery, or in this case, the sin of 'reviling' that Paul puts on equal footing with other sins that the OT required the death penalty for).  Such slanderers cannot be morally qualified for the office of teacher if they are going around committing the sin of "reviling".

Perhaps the saddest part is that Holding is so obstinate, he has never apologized for any of his slanders, including the most recent ones which justified the third lawsuit that is currently in litigation.  Which tells us that he has also never repented of those sins, likely because he is too thick-headed to realize they are indeed "sinful" acts.  Jesus said something about how, if the light that is in you is darkness, the depth of that darkness would be unfathomable.

Gee, how hard would it be to show that a Christian teacher, who refuses to repent of obvious sin, is thus disqualified from being a Christian teacher?

You can find at my blog the original 97-page Complaint that started the latest lawsuit

I will email you the Amended version if you wish.

If you take exception to my accusation that Holding is a biblically disqualified foul-mouthed idiot, I will also email to you, if you wish,  the Complaint from the 2015 lawsuit, and the Complaint from the 2016 lawsuit.  These extensively document my  claim that Holding engages in the repeated sin of filthiness, reviling, slander, libel, defamation, coarse jesting, silly talk, etc, etc, and often doing so in a manner that sounds like a demended 5-year old who has found it funny and exciting to repeatedly refer to people using disgusting sexual metaphors and defecation.

Those Complaints also document my claim that Holding is in fact a closet-homosexual.  For an introduction to such evidence, see

I have made numerous attempts to get other Christians to initiate the Matthew 18 process (a brother must admit their sin, and if several attempts fail, you are to view them the way 1st century Jews viewed Gentiles and tax-collectors), and nobody seems to care, despite how obvious it is that Holding loves certain sins, has no plans to repent of them and plans to continue committing them with impunity into the foreseeable future.  I have to wonder, as a skeptic, when "conservative" evangelical leaders like Licona, Blomberg, Habermas, express such apathy toward one of their own brothers engaging in persistent sin, whether this would count as a legitimate argument against Christianity.  After all, if I should become a Christian, I could become as smart as those men, maybe even as smart as Holding himself, yet I would STILL foolishly ignore certain biblical mandates that apply to modern-day Christians...perhaps proving that "getting saved" or "confessing Christ" involves no  greater degree of 'transformation' than does confessing Mormonism.

Finally, Holding  quoted the Context Group for years to help justify his stupid contention that it is biblically "good" or "moral" to slander those who criticize his beliefs, but the Context Group has disowned him three times, saying he gives Christianity a bad name, nobody should listen to him, and that he "perverts" their scholarship.

While I take something of a risk in revealing the gory details to Holding's followers, I'm hoping that instead of spreading his libels further, you will use these materials to research Holding, make the obviously correct decision to confront him about these obvious sins, and admonish him that until he repents of his reviling slanderous acts, other Christians are very reasonable to view him as the wicked immoral 'brother' whose reviling slanderous mouth requires you to disassociate yourself from him.  1st Corinthians 5:11-15, supra.


Christian Doscher

My reply to Bellator Christi's "Three Dangerous Forms of Modern Idolatry"

I received this in my email, but the page it was hosted on appears to have been removed  =====================  Bellator Christi Read on blo...