I posted this to another forum I participate in:
I don't understand why Christians put so much effort into distinguishing the eternity of heaven from the earth-based sense of temporal progression, as if there were the slightest biblically justified reason to distinguish the two as qualitatively different.
Each and every biblical description of heaven presents events taking place there as if they are just as bound to temporal chronological progression as earth-bound events are. Servants present themselves to kings on earth, and the sons of God presented themselves before God (Job 1).
Soldiers stand before their king awaiting orders on earth, and god's demons stand before his throne awaiting orders to go make people tell lies. 1st Kings 22:19 ff
The modern Christian belief that heaven is another dimension, is not biblical. Nothing in the bible remotely expresses or implies that heaven is some other dimension. Flying in heaven requires wings, which indicates heaven has air (Isaiah 6:1-7). Such a reference also logically implies gravity in heaven (i.e., the angel would fall down if he tried to fly without wings).
There's fire in heaven (Isaiah 6:6) so the second law of thermodynamics operates there too. What was on fire was a "coal", which indicates there are sources of fuel in heaven, such as wood. The reality of the fire logically necessitates that oxygen is in heaven too.
That beings in heaven are limited to time-bound temporal progression is clear from the departed souls under God's altar, who complain that God is taking too long to mete out his vengeance. Revelation 6:10.
Then there's that verse that absolutel shows heaven to be bound to time, that verse that proves there's no women in heaven. Rev. 8:1.
Christians are not saving face or winning the debate by conjuring up clever theories to reconcile biblical statements with modern physics. The priority is not "how can we reconcile this biblical statement with obvious reality?"
The priority is "how did this biblical author intend the reader to understand this phrase?"
A major rule of hermeneutics is to ask how the originally intended addressees would have understood the passage in question.
Christians have no hope of pretending that such pre-scientific people would have been suspicious that the above-cited passages were mere "accommodations" to the limited mental capacities of sinful man...or that heaven was a different "dimension". It is perfectly reasonable to take such passages literally, and the only possible motive a Christian could have to insist they are mere cases of phenomenological language is a desire to promote biblical inerrancy, regardless of intellectual cost.
What Christians will never do, in ten lifetimes, is demonstrate that the above-cited skeptical interpretations of such bible verses is "unreasonable". But if we can be reasonable to interpret those passages literally, the inerrantist is deprived of the intellectual right to insist we give him a hearing.
Perhaps the cherry on top is the Ascension of Jesus in Acts 1. Skeptics say Jesus did this because he knew heaven was physically "up there".
Inerrantists will say "no, he knew heaven was just a different dimension not attainable by moving in any spatial direction, but he was merely accommodating himself to the false cosmological viewpoint held by his 1st century apostles".
Have fun demonstrating THAT using normative principles of hermeneutics, such as grammar, immediate context, and genre.
The purpose of this blog is a) to refute arguments and beliefs propagated by Christian "apologists" and b) to restore my reputation after one homosexual atheist Christian apologist trashed it so much that he got slapped with four libel-lawsuits.
Showing posts with label eternity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eternity. Show all posts
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Cold Case Christianity: What Will We Experience in Heaven? Probably the same asshole-god we see from earth?
This is my reply to an article by J. Warner Wallace entitled
A better way of putting that is that science hasn't yet figured out every mystery about the human body.There are good reasons to believe we are more than simple material beings.
Which means the Christians who cry the loudest upon experiencing the murder of a child, are the least spiritually mature, since nothing could be a greater joy than knowing a loved one actually entered heaven and is thus eternally secure from the possible eternal torture of hell that comes with living past the age of accountability.If we are living souls (as described in Christian Scripture), there’s no reason to think our true immaterial nature will be limited by the fate of our physical bodies.
Frank Turek would have you believe that people don't really die, they merely "switch places". Since I know of no evidence that a mother became distraught by watching her child move from the living room into the kitchen, I guess Turek doesn't really know why a mother will be distraught when her child moves from earth to heaven. Perhaps he might be open to the prospect that even within Christianity, a hell of lot more is involved in death than merely 'switching places'.
Another way of saying that is that our being born into civilized society equips us with expectations of justice that actually don't really work too often in the real world, inspiring us to conjure up fantasies about how any wrongs in this world that go unaddressed will surely be corrected in an "after world".Our expectations of justice, satisfaction and joy (given God’s holy and perfect nature) provide us with good reasons to expect a life beyond this one.
And if God is perfect, it's reasonable to believe he'd have been perfectly "content" before creating anything, and as such, would have refrained from creating anything for as long as his perfect contentment existed. If you are content after eating a large meal, do you continue eating? No. If you are "content" with your marriage, do you seek divorce? No. So if God created anything that didn't already exist from eternity, such as the universe, the earth, angels and people, this necessarily implies that he wasn't fully satisfied (i.e., content) with the pre-creation state of affairs, and hence, one possible perfection, perfect contentment, is something your fanciful incarnation of systematic theology lacked.If God has infinite power, it’s reasonable to believe He has the power to eliminate imperfection.
It would also characterize the nature of his Earth...where he has "allowed" creatures to sin. If God's perfection doesn't demand that his earth-creatures always refrain from sin, his perfection also doesn't necessarily require that his heavenly creatures always refrain from sin. And assuming as true the Christian legend (nowhere supported in the bible, especially Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28), namely, that Satan was originally a good angel who fell by freewill choice to become prideful, then apparently, not even one's living in heaven is any guarantee that a freewilled creature will consistently refrain from sin for the rest of eternity.God’s perfection must certainly characterize the nature of Heaven,
You will say Satan wasn't given an incorruptible resurrection body, and that might be true, but if so, that makes God look stupid: If God has the ability to place a freewilled creature into the kind of body that a) retains their freewill, but b) also ensures they'll never sin...then why didn't God create Satan in that way?
Until you can answer such questions with positive evidence, our speculation that your god must have wanted Satan to sin (a contention that is held by at least the Calvinist Christians and many Reformed and conservative Christians) is not going to be any less plausible than your own speculation that god didn't want Satan to sin and must have had higher mysterious reasons for demanding sinless perfection from a creature that he refused to give that ability to. Sort of like creating a vase on a pottery wheel, then demanding that the vase take a job as a paralegal in a law office. Everybody will say you fucking delusion, and like your god, you will respond "Just because you can't see my whole purpose doesn't mean there isn't one".
and the Bible describes how each of us, when united with God, will be transformed and made complete, in spite of our present earthly imperfections.
Begging the question of why God didn't give Adam and Eve such a constitution of the will/mind at their original creation, in which case they'd have always chosen the good and never the evil, thus effectively preempting all future sin and thus all future reason for God to be wrathful, and doing so in a way that didn't violate their freewill.
How will you defend the moral goodness of a god who could have made freewilled creatures who are guaranteed to never sin, but chose to avoid giving them such ability?
Then apparently you never read Genesis 6:6-7, God regretted his own prior choice to create mankind.We Will Have Perfect KnowledgeSomeday we are going to be in the presence of the one who understand everything.
1 Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them,We do God a favor by inferring that he regretted this because he didn't know mankind would become so sinful. You hurt your own god by pretending that God knew from all eternity that he would regret creating mankind, sort of like the mature adult who knows he will regret it if he takes a stroll through the east Los Angeles and shouts angry racial slurs at every minority he sees...but chooses to do so anyway. When you know you will regret what you are about to do...but you do it anyway...you are, obviously, stupid at best or mentally ill at worst.
2 that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose.
3 Then the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years."
4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.
5 Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
6 The LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.
7 The LORD said, "I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them."
8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.
9 These are the records of the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his time; Noah walked with God.
10 Noah became the father of three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. (Gen. 6:1-10 NAU)
No, Mr. Wallace, Genesis 6:6-7 is not an "anthropomorphism". Calling it an anthropomorphism constitutes "interpretation", and you have to justify your interpretation of Genesis 6:6-7, and there is nothing about the grammar, the immediate context, the larger context, or the genre of Genesis 6 that suggests those specific verses were intended as anything less literal than the Nephilliam and wickedness in the prior verses, and the literal records of Noah mentioned in the following verses.
As a conservative, you won't like the idea that Judaism's theology substantially morphed and evolved through the centuries, and you won't like the idea that the theology of Genesis is more primitive than the theology of Isaiah, but we don't judge what's biblically true or false on the basis of whether the presuppositions of conservative Christian apologists would be offended. Everything about Genesis 6:6-7 tells us that the author meant those words literally, and that interpretation has at least some support from the literal immediate context, while the anthropomorphic interpretation has zero such contextual support.
And since I have good reasons to reject bible inerrancy, then no, I do not say my interpretation of a bible verse must be wrong merely because it would contradict another part of the bible. Since even conservative Christian scholars cannot come to agreement with each other on the nature and scope of bible inerrancy (Licona v. Geisler, for example), I have exceptionally solid rational warrant for saying this doctrine does not deserve to be exalted in my mind to the status of governing heremeneutic, and therefore, the fact that my interpretation of a bible verse would make it contradict something elsewhere in the bible, will not, without something more, intellectually obligate me to view such interpretation as wrong.
So the literal interpretation of Genesis 6:6-7 survives all of your likely attempts to get away from it, and effectively refutes your contention that your bible-god has "perfect" knowledge. About all you have left at this point is to admit that God must be viewed as infinitely smart even IF he chooses to continue doing something that he knows he will regret later.
Yeah, and the hooker who has unprotected sex even after 5 years of working the corner, is infinitely smart too.
That doesn't sound impressive, as the fact that those people made it to heaven implies they had no problems with the yucky parts of the bible, and hence won't be asking god anything.He’ll be available to answer questions.
But if I could ask God anything I'd ask:
1 - If you are omnipresent, does that mean you had a more intimate connection to the neurons in my brain, than I did? If you were part and parcel of the molecules that made up my neural chemistry, then what were you doing in those locations while I was utilizing those molecules to make immoral decisions? Were you doing the same things you were doing back when I utilized those molecules to make a decision to accept Jesus as my Savior in a doctrinally correct Trinitarian Protestant church?
Or did I forget that Romans 1:20 authorizes you to halt any Q and A as soon as the heat gets turned up?
2 - Do you follow the Golden Rule yourself? If so, how'd you like it if somebody caused you to suffer in fire for all eternity? Didn't yo' mama teach you better? Don't feel too good now does it?
Hank Hanegraaff was also "available" to answer questions in a way that promoted Protestant Evangelicalism as the most true form of Christianity. Then after more than 20 years of this, suddenly discovered that the Greek Orthodox church was the right religion. So you'll excuse me when I say that I see no reason to think I'd be increasing the chances I'd discover divine truth even if I became a Christian apologist and defended standard Protestant orthodoxy for more than 20 years.
hence, rationally justifying my decision to say that no amount of bible study or analysis of apologetics arguments offers enough of a guarantee of truth-discovery so as to justify engaging in such monumental effort. Hence justifying my choice to view acquisition of bible-knowledge of nothing more than a hobby. I might get around to reading about Calvin's doctrine of double-predestination if I run out of beer and funny dart-games.
We won’t be frustrated and straining to understand and believe. We’ll be at peace with the truth:
That sounds real nice. Too bad it's nothing but the hope of the hopeless. What are you doing, Wallace? Did you give up on apologetics, and feel called by God to quit publicly embarrassing yourself and decide the safer course was teaching devotional studies at Sunday school?
1 Corinthians 13:9-12For we know in part, and we prophesy in part; but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away. When I was a child, I used to speak as a child, think as a child, reason as a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I shall know fully just as I also have been fully known. But now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
What you don't tell the reader is that conservative Christian scholars admit there are at least three different interpretations of "when the perfect comes", thus justifying the skeptic to classify the passage as fatally ambiguous, and be rationally warranted to dismiss it entirely from consideration. See Robert L. Thomas, Tongues…Will Cease, JETS 17:2 (Spring 1974) 81-89. See also here.
And surely this cannot be the fault of the God who admits to blinding people to ensure they miss the truth:We Will Be in the Presence of Perfect GloryGlory is a word used often in the Bible, but we sometime read right past it
9 He said, "Go, and tell this people: 'Keep on listening, but do not perceive; Keep on looking, but do not understand.'Wallace continues:
10 "Render the hearts of this people insensitive, Their ears dull, And their eyes dim, Otherwise they might see with their eyes, Hear with their ears, Understand with their hearts, And return and be healed."
11 Then I said, "Lord, how long?" And He answered, "Until cities are devastated and without inhabitant, Houses are without people And the land is utterly desolate, (Isa. 6:9-11 NAU)
Glory expresses perfect beauty, excellence and greatness. All of us appreciate beauty and excellence in our physical world because we are created in the image of God, who is not only the source of glory, but the ultimate example of glory:
So our being made in God's image is the reason why men have basic agreement on the criteria for female beauty? Guys go nuts over cleavage, tight sweaters, perky tits, bubble butts and curvy hips, because we are made in the image of God? Then apparently, since God cannot create what he doesn't already possess, he must also be enamored with female beauty.
Furthermore, if this sexual desire came from God, then you as a conservative Christian are morally bound to do what the early church fathers did, and condemn any clothing style of females that does anything at all to draw the eye toward their sexual parts. Lipstick and makeup cause a woman's face to look far more attractive that it really does. Tight pants increase the odds the man looking at her won't stop at the pants, but will conjure up in his mind what she probably looks like nude. Tight shirts, cleavage or otherwise emphasizing boobs would be equally condemnable.
Yet we don't often hear "apologists" condemning the fool Christian women of today who dress like club-rats. And when they do, they don't demand that women wear burkas, the problem being that the sexy-stuff in modern America is out of control, so the Christian woman must make an even more intense effort to avoid giving worldly men any reason to lust after them. Some apologists will say the lust problem is solely the fault of the man, but apostle Paul does not believe the person who sinned is the only one culpable for it; anybody who did anything to encourage the sin, or anybody who refused to accomodate the weaker brother's weaker will, is equally culpable should he sin:
19 So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another.
20 Do not tear down the work of God for the sake of food. All things indeed are clean, but they are evil for the man who eats and gives offense.
21 It is good not to eat meat or to drink wine, or to do anything by which your brother stumbles. (Rom. 14:19-21 NAU)
9 But take care that this liberty of yours does not somehow become a stumbling block to the weak.
10 For if someone sees you, who have knowledge, dining in an idol's temple, will not his conscience, if he is weak, be strengthened to eat things sacrificed to idols?
11 For through your knowledge he who is weak is ruined, the brother for whose sake Christ died.
12 And so, by sinning against the brethren and wounding their conscience when it is weak, you sin against Christ.
13 Therefore, if food causes my brother to stumble, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause my brother to stumble. (1 Cor. 8:9-13 NAU)
Read 1st Cor. 8:13 again. If Christian women know perfectly well that non-Christian men are little more than dogs who walk upright, then the more they claim alliance with the morale in v. 13, the more obligation they impose upon themselves to accommodate the weaker person (the non-Christian man), and to therefore be especially careful to avoid accentuating ANY of their sexuality. If a Christian woman knows that men have a high sex drive, she has a moral obligation to avoid doing anything to accentuate her sexuality outside the bedroom. Doesn't matter if she doesn't have an obligation to non-Christian men, she has to regard Christian men as the "weaker brother" regardless.
If you cannot precisely determine exactly how much cleavage a Christian women can show in public, then you leave no logically possible room to declare that any amount of legally acceptable cleavage is biblically inappropriate, or that wearing a burka would contribute to lust.
If you think THAT amount of cleavage is outside what's biblically acceptable, what bible verses do you base that judgment on? Or is safeguarding the amount of tithes you get to your dogshit ministry so much more important than a Christian woman's personal holiness before the Lord, that you should avoid the subject?
Matthew 24:30“…and then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory.”
If you are ever looking for a cheap thrill, google how preterists answer this bullshit. They hem and haw here about as much as they do when trying to explain away Acts 1:11.
Matthew 25:31“But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne.”
And I worry about this.
Mark 8:38“For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.”
Read 1st Enoch and discover the obvious truth that Jesus thought that book was canonical.
Ok, if heaven doesn't lack work, then what kind of work will you be doing in heaven? Trash Collection?We Will Enjoy Perfect RestWhy do we love to sleep in on our days off? Is it just because we are lazy? Or is it more because we become so weary of the struggles of life? Many of us love to work, achieve and be productive, but also understand life’s burdens can simply wear us out. God promises Heaven will be a place of rest. Not a place that lacks work, but a place where the burdens and struggles of life will be lifted.
We won’t have to strain to be ‘good’, struggle to maintain Godly relationships or behaviors. Our character will be changed and our struggles will be lifted:
Hebrews 4:9-11There remains therefore a Sabbath rest for the people of God. For the one who has entered His rest has himself also rested from his works, as God did from His. Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall through following the same example of disobedience.
Ok, then God could have given such character trait to Adam and Eve from the beginning, this would not have violated whatever "freewill" you think they had, and all future sinning by their descendants would have been effectively preempted.
Don't tell me God didn't want them to eat the forbidden fruit. You may as well place 10 large pizzas into a room full of imperfect hungry teens, then tell them they are forbidden to eat of it, then pretend "they have no excuse" when the inevitable inevitably happens. If Adam and Eve had freewill before they ate from the tree, then they would have continued having freewill if they never ate from the tree. That is, God could have kept this tree out of their physical reach, and sin would been guaranteed to never materialize. So if mom SAYS she doesn't want the kids to drink bleach, but then she puts the bleach bottle inside their room anyway, then fuck you, she's lying. We atheist are smarter than god, we judge him by his actions, not his self-serving statements. Talk is cheap.
Then this would justify the Christian man who refuses to take a job on the grounds that he hates that kind of work. By refusing such job, he's living up to the way god designed him. To take a depressing or unfulfilling job that you hate is to act in defiance of the way God designed you...apparently.We Will Relish in Perfect WorkSometimes when we hear “work”, we think “labor”; a difficult and toilsome burden we must accept to make a living and survive. At the same time, most of us participate in challenging activities requiring great exertion, yet fail to see these efforts as laborious. Our hobbies are often as physically or mentally demanding as our jobs, but they don’t seem like work to us. We love our recreational efforts, but sometimes hate our vocational labors. We find great significance and satisfaction in some efforts, less in others. God designed us to work in satisfying ways,
and Heaven is the place where this will be perfected. Jesus often described Heaven with parables involving work and responsibility:Luke 19:17‘Well done, my good servant!’ his master replied. ‘Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities.’Matthew 19:28And Jesus said to them, “Truly I say to you, that you who have followed Me, in the regeneration when the Son of Man will sit on His glorious throne, you also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.”
Oh, ok...so you are one of those few Christians who think it IS appropriate to doctrine from the parables of Jesus?
We Will Participate in Perfect WorshipHave you ever had difficulty focusing on worship at church? Have you ever struggled to keep your mind and heart in the right place? Have you ever wondered why you should worship God in the first place? Well none of that will be a problem in Heaven, where the mere presence of God will provoke a response of worship:Isaiah 6:3And one called out to another and said, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD of hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory.”
And if God could make people like that in heaven, no reason why he couldn't make Adam and Eve the same way on earth, and presto, all future sin by their descendants would be entirely and effectively preempted. Then you will tell me god didn't want them to sin? FUCK YOU.
But if God's internal fellowship before creation was perfect, he would never think something was missing and would thus never be motivated to do anything more. So apparently, God's creating of creatures really does imply that he eventually got lonely...an imperfection for the three-headed hydra you call the Trinity.We Will Share in Perfect FellowshipMost of us, when given the chance, love to hang out with friends. That’s because we were created in the image of the triune God who (by His very nature) is in relationship with the other persons of the Godhead at all times.
You are conveniently ignoring the reality of loners, people who despise human relations. Maybe they weren't made in the image of your god?Our God is innately and characteristically relational. That’s why we are driven toward relationships.
And heaven is the place where this aspect of our nature will be fully realized:Hebrews 12:22 -24But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads of angels, to the general assembly and church of the first-born who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the Judge of all, and to the spirits of righteous men made perfect, and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood, which speaks better than the blood of Abel.
Wallace, level with me...you recognize that your "prove-it-by-quoting-the-bible" shit is nothing but comedy in the eyes of biblically informed skeptics, right? If you are doing this furiously unpersuasive bible-quoting shtick mostly to edify somebody who has experienced some type of tragedy, just say so. For now it simply looks like you have degraded from apologist to Pentecostal.
How do you reconcile that with your other theory that the only person who deserves credit for YOUR good works, is God alone? What sense does it make to say God "rewards" you for something you don't deserve the credit for? Does God also thank the Quakers for dying on a cross for mankind's sins? After all, they too did not do this work and thus don't deserve a reward for it...but apparently your God rewards people for things that cannot be properly credited to them?We Will Receive Perfect RecognitionFinally, Heaven is a place where each of us will be recognized and rewarded by God.
Ever notice how driven we are here on earth for the recognition and praise of our peers? Heaven is the place where our intrinsic desire is finally satisfied. Everyone will be completely satisfied with the recognition and reward they will receive from the King:Luke 19:15-19“He was made king, however, and returned home. Then he sent for the servants to whom he had given the money, in order to find out what they had gained with it. The first one came and said, ‘Sir, your mina has earned ten more.’ ‘Well done, my good servant!’ his master replied. ‘Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities.’ The second came and said, ‘Sir, your mina has earned five more.’ His master answered, ‘You take charge of five cities.’
Dismissed. Why not just come out and say you converted to the Mormon religion, and do what Hank Hanegraaff does...stir the pot. Controversy sells, just ask Madonna. And your incessant self-promotion assures me that you would indeed by tempted by any proposed plan of action that would draw attention to yourself.
The sexual drive is pretty basic. Sex in heaven? Now that I think of it, how much sin would God have preempted, without violating anybody's freewill, had he chosen to just create individual human spirits that never had physical bodies? How much sin would have been precluded, without violating anybody's freewill, if freewilled humans on earth lacked a body? There would be no sex, there would be no desire for material things since these would not benefit us anymore than a gong benefits a ghost.Heaven is the place where all of our basic instincts and drives will finally make sense.
But this is Christianity, NOTHING can be done to fix its problems. For example, while its perfectly clear that the sex drive is entirely physical, the Christian scholars who think Genesis 6 is talking about fallen angels lusting over human females, are therefore saying angels, who are spirits, had a sex drive before the took on human bodies.
Stop telling people that God didn't want Adam and Eve to sin. He must have known of several different ways to achieve a world of free creatures that don't sin, and he didn't choose any such option. Like I said, as an atheist, I'm smarter than your god, and I judge your fictional fantasy character on the basis of his alleged actions, not on his conveniently self-serving words. The truth "actions speak louder than words" is no less true for 'God' than it is for human beings. What god actually does, is more likely to tell us the truth about him, than his mere words. Talk is cheap, especially biblical talk.
Which is a sinful thing, apparently, since it was the tree of "knowledge of good and evil" that Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat from (i.e., the story asks us to believe God originally intended for Adam and Eve to remain ignorant of certain realities). God's alleged intent was that they NEVER gain any more knowledge than what he originally created them with.We are driven toward knowledge,
Only because we are material beings. Hard to see how ghosts could give a shit about cleavage or high definition pictures of big cities on clear nights. And the snowy mountainous landscape most of us find appealing, is dreadful to the explorer who is lost there and is slowly starving to death. Beauty is in the eye of the desktop folder.we long for beauty and excellence,
hard to see how ghosts could relate to 'rest' or 'peace', since "rest" implies "tired muscles" which ghosts allegedly don't have. But no, I don't put it past you to suddenly discover that ghosts have muscles, if saying such a stupid thing would help you save face as you get your ass kicked in an apologetics argument. Apparently, I forgot about the ghostly muscles implied in Matthew 12:43.we desire rest and peace,
If God inspired you to write that, why didn't he have you spell "worshiping" correctly? Because he is imperfect, or because his ways are mysterious?we find ourselves worshipping something in our temporal environment,
Or did you suddenly discover that God can inspire people to write what he wants without causing them to write inerrantly? If God didn't inspire you to write that, how can you set forth your personal subjective opinions as if they are the equal of the guiding hand of the Holy Spirit? Does your website have a disclaimer that says
"my arguments might sound like I'm trying to steer you toward absolute truth, but I'm not, these are all just my subjective opinions and I couldn't really say whether or not God inspired me to write any particular thing." ?
except for the loners, who were also apparently made in the image of the allegedly relationship-loving YHWH (and your god does not give a shit about personal relationships. We know that marriages die where the husband doesn't consistently show love with acts and words that his wife can detect with her 5 physical senses, the mere "fact" that she "knows" he loves her, is no substitute whatsoever for seeing this proven with empirical evidence consistently. So you cannot blame people for giving up on YHWH, that bastard provides precisely NONE of the empirical demonstrations that are part and parcel of the way humans nurture their relationships to each other.we seek satisfying and significant work, we desire the intimacy of close relationships
What kind of a person would you be today, if your biological father consistently refused to let you hear him or see him, and instead demanded in some book that the book, your attempts at mental telepathy with him and your fellowship with other people who claim to know him, shall be the only way that he will ever communicate with you? And then you are going to tell me that wrapping your life around the bible is a type of relationship that is superior to the one you have with your earthly friends? FUCK YOU.
By the way, Wallace: I maintain that the original meaning of the Genesis statements on being made in the image of God really did mean God caused mankind to physically resemble him. When you say "impossible! other parts of the bible say God is invisible!" I say "bible inerrancy is too controversial even among Christian scholars, to justify any atheist using it as a hermeneutic. So because the grammar and context support the physical-interpretation of such "image", that's more than sufficient to justify a flippantly dismissive attitude toward any contrary viewpoint appearing in subsequent evolutions of Jewish theology in later parts of the bible."
This is also sinful under the conservative view that says our good works aren't really the actions of us personally, but merely god working THROUGH us., and we strive for recognition and praise.
Maybe for the same reason animals are wired to seek things that often elude them too?Why are we wired to seek the things we find so elusive in this life?
It must be sin, because the bible says if you have food and clothing, you are required to be content. 1st Timothy 6:8. Pretending that has any exceptions would destroy the point of the verse. Why say we must be content with food and clothing, if you can think of thousands of situations where not being content with these two things would be spiritually good?
What's next? Maybe there are exceptions to "thou shalt not commit adultery"?
And do exceptions open the floodgates? If you trifle and say Paul obviously would have expected his readers to find "bible study" to be an exception to his "be content with food and clothing" statement, then does that mean the exceptions never cease, and so Paul would approve of all the materialistic things that most of today's Christian apologists constantly infuse their lives with (i.e., television, radio, cars, dvds, etc)?
your god has about as much excuse for getting mad at sinners as the stupid owner of 10 dogs has for her studio apartment smelling like shit all the time. The owner has nobody but herself to blame. If god really wanted people to stop sinning, he would do no less than the same as the cop who really wants the criminal to stop eluding arrest. FUCK YOU.The answer is simple: We are designed in the image of God, but are not yet in the presence of God.
This bit of comforting wisdom makes god's getting mad at us for exhibiting imperfection, about as reasonable as the mother who spanks her 4 year old daughter for failing a college calculus exam. What else does your god do when he isn't punishing people for acting consistently with their natures? Shave with a banana?We are not yet complete.
Passing through this imperfect world, we are on our way to perfection; to the place where all our desires and instincts will finally make sense and be satisfied.
It's a nice dream, but unfortunately for Christianity, some people don't require fantasy in order to deal with reality. The fact that the whole religious bit is so popular with people, only testifies that we are still evolving away from our primitive way of thinking. It's no coincidence at all that it just so happens that the more barbaric form of religion existed centuries ago, and as mankind gradually became more civilized, his religions correspondingly also started looking more and more civilized. The bible-god's apparently serious acknowledgement of any type of efficacy of animal sacrifices is a final assurance that the god of the bible is nothing more than one false god among many false gods ignorantly worshiped by semi-civlized savages.
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