Monday, May 9, 2022

the leaked SCOTUS opinion

 I just want to go on record saying that I think most of the SCOTUS justices likely knew of and implicitly if not explicitly approved of somebody leaking the opinion this early.  SCOTUS is always worried about how "evolving society" reinterprets the Constitution, and it only make sense, from the perspective of the Justices, to want to see how the nation would react before they make their position into law.

However, they would be creating legal hell for themselves if they admitted they wanted that opinion leaked early.

Therefore, what probably happened was what happened when one gangster communicates to another an implicit request for murder.  Of course they aren't going to state the terms very clearly, and the ambiguity is always in the name of future plausible deniability.   So I plan to laugh at any such Justice who in the future tries to pretend that the leak was unwanted or unfortunate.  BULLSHIT.

But the Justices are fools if they want us to think they'd never find anything useful toward the goal of keeping the peace and avoiding civil war by leaking a draft of an opinion that carries enormous potential to divide America even more than ever.

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