Monday, March 9, 2020

The Patheos Christians are quietly deleting challenges again

I made a perfectly valid criticism and reply to a Patheos article "Has Christian Apologetics Failed?
March 2, 2019 BY ESTHER O’REILLY".

The reply was:

The reply was deleted.  See here

Esther O'Reilly's bio:

About Esther O’Reilly
I am a teacher and doctoral student of mathematics, but a lifelong student of human nature. I seek to understand what is good and what is sad and what is true. When I’m not mathing or teaching, I enjoy writing about faith and culture, researching film and music history, reading great literature and philosophy, pretending to play the piano like Bruce Hornsby, writing the occasional poem, and editing the occasional film project. My interest in Pop Culture Things tends to be inversely proportional to the level of interest they generate among other people of my generation. I am, after all, a Young Fogey. I occasionally write theological reflections too—in a bad Anglican, high-Church Baptist sort of vein. You’ve all been warned. My opinions can be curiously strong, but I am always learning how to express them better. Though I retain little patience for post-modernists. Thanks for reading. You can find my freelance social commentary at The Stream and The Federalist, or sample some of my film criticism at Tyler Smith’s More Than One Lesson. Follow me on Facebook or Twitter, @EstherOfReilly. Send questions, comments or snark to
See here.   I emailed her about it, and will update.

Here's the email Esther sent me March 10:
Hi Barry. This is something Patheos does automatically on occasion for reasons unknown, not something I do. I don't keep up with or monitor my comment threads one way or the other. Later I can have a look and see if I can just check a box that lets this through. But I wasn't holding it back deliberately.

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