Friday, April 5, 2019

My latest messages to homosexual Christian James Patrick Holding


Sent April 5, 2019

Barry Jones

Mr. Holding,

I didn't talk slanderous about you to Evan Minton, but after you posted to his blog a cut and paste of the libels for which I'm currently suing you, I convinced him in my final post to delete your slanders.

So had to delete from my blog the post I was authoring at the same time Minton was deleting your crap:

You shouldn't do another video on me on this account, since everything I said about you was factually and legally true.  But if you disagree, all I ask is that your video not be libelous.  Yes, I recognize, from your past history, that is probably asking too much of you.

If you cease libeling me, the jury in our current lawsuit will be told that when you really want to, you know what libel is and how to keep it out of your online screeds about me.  Therefore any other posts or videos you ever made about me, which were libelous, you posted with the INTENT to lie about me and unfairly hurt my reputation...thus justifying a much higher award of punitive damages.

If you continue libeling me in future posts/videos, the jury will be told that because you were sued twice for libel in the past, and because you hold yourself out as a smart guy, your continuing to libel me in your online screeds is not due to mistaken legal knowledge on your part, but due to an INTENT to libel me.  "Smart" assholes like you are forever foreclosed from employing the "wow I didn't know that was wrong" excuse.  When you libel me, you KNOW what you are doing...thus justifying a much higher award of punitive damages.

In other words, the only thing you could possibly do to lower the amount of damages the jury will award, is to just shut the fuck about me, completely...which would make the jury suspicious that the ONLY reason you ceased your illegal conduct was mere fear of the consequences, not because you were genuinely remorseful...thus justifying a higher award of punitive damages.

If you take down your other online posts about me, the jury will have to decide whether this indicates you came to your senses and showed true remorse for obvious wrongs, or if you are just a scared asshole criminal trying to give the false appearance of contrition, now that he knows he cannot do anything to avoid legal consequences completely.

If you don't take down any of your other posts about me, the jury will remember that you knew well enough those posts were libelous, so your refusal to take them down cannot be explained with a "wow I just didn't know they were libelous", but only explained with "I committed myself to being a smart guy, and if I fold up shop now, my babies will give up on their faith, and I'd rather engage in libel than risk having my babies view me as a real sinner in need of actually serious repentance"

And just in case you think the Court's latest ruling somehow means my current lawsuit against you is frivolous, the Court would hardly give me leave to amend the Complaint, as it obviously did, if it was "frivolous" (i.e., if the alleged facts could not possibly support any legally justified tort claim against you).  

Christianity's most belligerent cocksucker lives in the one state that has the toughest libel laws.  God works in mysterious ways. 

So you think everything is currently going great? That's what the Jews said to Jeremiah, before disaster struck.  FUCK YOU.

I sent a later message too, but like the previous, Holding made it unviewable:
The Authorship of John 8

April 9, 2019
And Mr. Holding continues, straining himself to the point of hernia, throwing dust and ashes on his head, and praying like mad that something happens, somehow, to prevent Doscher from timely filing a 1st Amended Complaint + a motion for reconsideration.

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