Friday, March 15, 2019

Cold Case Christianity: When Does God Identify “You” as “You”?

This is my reply to an article by J. Warner Wallace entitled

Life begins at the moment of conception.
The same was true for the baby boys whom Moses ordered killed in Numbers 31:17.

Apparently, the question of when life begins, does not answer the question of whether killing them can be morally justified.  And by the way, under your own stupid theology, because aborting babies sends them directly to heaven with no possibility of going to hell, any fair moral analysis would take this good effect of abortion into account when deciding whether abortion produces more bad than good.  The fair moral analysis would not ignore this obviously good effect.  And in the NT, the spiritual effects are always given greater weight than the earthly effects, see Romans 8:18.  If murdering babies who have already been born can be morally justified by God (1st Sam. 15:2-3), you need to back the fuck off before pretending that murdering unborn babies cannot be morally justified. 

And since your god takes responsibility for all murders (Deut. 32:39) and decrees how many days a person shall live (Job 14:5), your stupid Christian theology would force the conclusion that God's bitching about abortion is equal to God's bitching at people for doing exactly what he wants when he wants.
We know this to be true due to the unique genetic nature of every fetal human. I didn’t always accept this truth, however. In fact, for most of my life, I was pro-choice. I came to this realization about the nature of human life through a careful examination of embryology, rather than a careful reading of Scripture.
Irrelevant, your god doesn't just kill babies, but tortures them for 7 days, before killing them:
 14 "However, because by this deed you have given occasion to the enemies of the LORD to blaspheme, the child also that is born to you shall surely die."
 15 So Nathan went to his house. Then the LORD struck the child that Uriah's widow bore to David, so that he was very sick.
 16 David therefore inquired of God for the child; and David fasted and went and lay all night on the ground.
 17 The elders of his household stood beside him in order to raise him up from the ground, but he was unwilling and would not eat food with them.
 18 Then it happened on the seventh day that the child died. (2 Sam. 12:14-18 NAU)
Then you wonder why some people characterize your god as a sadistic lunatic? 

Perhaps those sorts of bible verses will cause you to hesitate before you blindly presume that torturing babies is an objective immorality.  Since your fictitious god tortures babies, you are forced to give up the idea that baby-torture is always immoral.  In fact, I'd go further and say your quick disapproval of baby torture arises from your sin nature, since you appear to be far more soft-bellied than your god.

Face it:  if God wants your little girl to die in a car accident, but you don't want your daughter to die in a car accident, then you deserve to be called "Satan" because you care about human compassion more than god's will. Now discover a bible passage you apparently never noticed before:
 21 From that time Jesus began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised up on the third day.
 22 Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, "God forbid it, Lord! This shall never happen to You."
 23 But He turned and said to Peter, "Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God's interests, but man's."  (Matt. 16:21-23 NAU)
Wallace continues:
The Bible does, however, affirm this truth. Every human being, according to Christian scripture, is a unique, intentional creation of God, even if he or she might appear to be an unplanned accident from our limited, human perspective.
 Thus assuring us that you've chosen the easier route of preaching to the choir, instead of the harder route of giving skeptics anything to worry about.
The Bible affirms our identity as unique, distinct human beings long before we were born.
Not if you take Deuteronomy 28:15-63 seriously.  When God doesn't like you, you become about as important as a homeless welfare-abusing crack-whore.  If god thinks even these scumbags are "important", well, Mr. Wallace, how many homeless crack-whores have you allowed to stay in your house?

If the only way you could save the lives of 5 unborn crack-babies is to raise them in your house yourself after they are born, would you sign the contract?  Obviously not.  

God Had Plans for You Before You Were in the Womb
God had plans for you and I from the very beginning. This makes sense if we are us from the moment of conception. God knew us before we began our mortal existence, and we began it in the womb at the moment we were conceived:

Jeremiah 1:5
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.”
If you were in Mormonism, you'd have quoted the book of Mormon, your students would have clapped, and you'd have felt no less a sense of fulfillment than you have now. Dismissed.
God Referred to You While You Were in the Womb
You have always been you, even from the earliest moments in the womb.
 But the more interesting question is how we existed before conception.  You will say we had no existence apart from God's foreknowledge of us, but some church fathers believed in pre-existence of the soul, which they would hardly have believed, if as today's fundies insist, such a doctrine was as contrary to scripture as the notion that Jesus was a woman.  See here.

As usual, J. Warner Wallace's "apologetics" have less to do with beating back skeptics, and more to do with coddling the currently existing beliefs of his Christian followers.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Rebuttal to Craig Blomberg's defense of miracles

This is my reply to a North American Missions Board article by Dr. Craig Blomberg entitled

For some people, the miracles in the Gospels form the most incredible part of the New Testament accounts.
 That's because what the gospels allege is not only not part of our life-experience, but contradictory to what is possible (i.e., the same criteria by which we judge the tooth-fairy to be wholly imaginary).  Contrary to popular belief, the existence of a "god" doesn't automatically make walking on water any more possible than an ant's acknowledging the existence of superpowerful human beings would justify the ant to believe humans can walk on water.  Even if a super-powerful intelligence existed, this doesn't automatically get rid of the impossibility-objection.   You leap, far too quickly, from "god exists" over to "miracles are possible".  How powerful this god is, whether he created the universe or is a mere advanced life form, are questions that are not answered.  But since your own bible credits your god with imperfection in places that decidedly are NOT "anthropomorphic" (Genesis 6:6-7), we can make an educated guess that if such god exists, he probably isn't eternal, otherwise he'd have learned the error of his ways long before the days of Noah. 
Modern science, they say, has demonstrated that the universe is a closed continuum of cause and effect.
You cannot fault somebody for learning by experience.  If a child learns to avoid playing with matches because he got burned the last time, you can hardly fault him for drawing the conclusion that there is no miraculous power that might possibly allow him to put his hand in fire without causing pain.  If God didn't want us to draw such empirical assumptions, maybe his shouldn't have limited our ability to learn solely to our five physical senses.   If you wish to prove that god can give people telephathic powers, feel free to waste your time.
The ancients may have believed in the possibility of supernatural forces in the world but we know better today.
Indeed:  thunder is not Thor rumbling across the sky or hitting the other side of the sky with his hammer.  People who go comatose and froth at the mouth and flail about on the ground do not have a demon, etc.
In fact, this cluster of opinions proved more common a half-century ago than today. Philosophers of science have stressed that by definition all science can adjudicate is that what is repeatable under controlled conditions.
 Irrelevant, we don't have to absolutely disprove the possibility of miracles, all we have to do is show that "miracle" is incapable of coherent definition, and/or that no "miracle" has sufficient documentation so as to render the skeptic unreasonable.  1st century people didn't know that the human body's survival depends on bacteria and a good immune system.  There's plenty of rational room to posit the possibility that future studies into human-kind might reveal truths that remained previously undetected.  But I don't depend on such speculations, the gospels are historical unreliable on the merits.  Justifying skepticism toward them is about as difficult as justifying skepticism toward the dancing sun miracle alleged by thousands of eyewitnesses in Fatima.
If there is a God of the kind in which Jews, Christians and Muslims have historically believed, then we would expect him occasionally to bypass the laws of nature.
 And if there isn't, we wouldn't.  Your point?
The real question becomes whether there is good reason to believe in God in the first place.
That's one way to start, and the answer must necessarily be "no" because the traditional religious concept of "god" constitutes an incoherent concept.  You can hardly fault somebody for choosing to walk away after they find out that the subject of discussion is an incoherent concept.  You wish to "reason" about 'god' with skeptics.  You cry victory when human reason makes some biblical description of God appear morally justified, but you automatically invoke god's "mysterious ways" whenever human reasoning about him would tend to show him to be an idiot, a sadist, or non-existent.  What is the point of "reasoning" about god, if you've already decided that only the reasoning that supports your hypothesis, is the reasoning that actually counts?
One of the most exciting and encouraging developments in recent years in this respect is the intelligent design movement.1
 Wrong.  They've been clobbered too often in the past.  See here.  Furthermore, refuting atheism does precisely nothing to make it 'easier' to 'prove' one specific religion (Christianity) to be true.  The evidence for and against Christianity is very great, so if you don't wish to be a fool by telling unbelievers they are under an intellectual obligation to mire themselves in the tedious back-and-forth discussion we seen in scholarly Christian publications such JETS, to say nothing of the countless books for and against Christianity, you are going to have to acknowledge that the average dad on the street can be reasonable to put down the apologetics book long enough to go to work, purchase clothes for the kids, have sex with his wife and all the other stuff dads reasonably do, which doesn't involve gluing their noses to your recommended reading lists.

But under your fundie view of salvation and damnation, the more such a dad does things in life beyond bible study and prayer, the more chance he takes of dying on the way to the library to check out your books, in which case he would die before coming to faith, leading him straight to hell, in which case your fundie attitude requires that you stop "recommending books" and "making arguments in articles" and respond to unbelievers the way you'd respond to a fellow hiker who just fell over a cliff and is hanging on by a weed.  If you would seriously react in an extreme way to people who are in obvious urgent danger, why don't you react that way to their spiritual danger?  What, do you think the reliability of the gospels is so obvious that only willfully ignorant people would challenge them?  What, do you think most Christian bible scholars are willfully ignorant merely because they don't happen to be fundamentalists?

Finally, since the traits of carnivores would, under ID, be intended by god and not merely the way Adam and Eve's sin caused the molars of lions to degrade into flesh-ripping fangs, you are forced, under ID, to admit that god intended, for reasons apart from sin, that carnivores should inflict the misery to other life that they do.  Then you are going to call your god "loving"?  Sure, if you allow that Hitler was also "loving".  But then such reckless word-games would reasonably justify the skeptic to walk away from you concluding that you are completely beyond reasoning with.  What's next?  Maybe a pedophile rapes a little girl because he truly "loved" her? How do you know what stupid sadistic lunacies can be committed out of a genuine "love".
Pointing to numerous examples of fundamental entities in the natural and biological worlds that display irreducible complexity, even some scientists who are not Christians at all have acknowledged that there must be an intelligent being behind this creation.
 But since we have steadily knocked down one after another of the alleged proofs of intelligent design, its reasonable to suppose we'll keep doing so.  you are like the stupid atheist among the Vikings on a ship at sea in 800 a.d., who decides believing in Thor is better than atheism, because you cannot, in 800 a.d., provide a fully naturalistic explanation for thunder.

Behe's irreducible complexity crap is always being responded to by equally qualified scientists. See here.  To say nothing about how he was humiliated as an expert witness in the Kitzmiller v. Dover court case.  See here and here.   The only people that find his arguments compelling are those who don't wish to give up their faith.
The entire "big-bang" theory for the beginnings of the universe leads to the question of what or who produced that "bang."
Which poses no threat whatsoever to those of us who say the big bang is false scientifically and biblically.  A list of such persons would include myself, everybody at the creationist propaganda mills Institute for Creation Research, and every similar person at the similar propaganda mill Answers in Genesis, etc.

Finally, the fact that competent Christian scholars disagree with each other about whether Genesis supports young-earth or old-earth creationism would make reasonable the outsider who chooses to avoid the entire mess completely, concluding that the data involved are too contradictory and ambiguous to justify thinking conclusions of any degree of reasonable certainty could be meaningfully drawn.  Such debates are little more than an endless circle of trying to squeeze certainty out of uncertain sources.
For others, philosophical arguments like those of the famous seventeenth-century Scotsman, David Hume, turn out to be more persuasive. While not alleging that miracles are impossible, the claim now is that the probability of a natural explanation will always be greater than that of a supernatural one.
And since you Christians have never come up with any evidence for a miracle that made its truth more probable than its falsity... (Dr. Keener never answered my challenge, see here).
Phenomena could mislead, witnesses could be mistaken and, besides, explanations of events must have analogies to what has happened in the past.
 As skeptics we usually do better than simply allege that the witnesses could possibly be lying or mistaken.  We usually make a reasonable showing that one of these two possibilities has greater probability than the "they saw a real miracle!" possibility.
But it is not at all clear that any of these arguments mean that the evidence could never be unambiguous and the witnesses unassailable.
Quit trifling about what's "possible" and set forth the one miracle that you believe is the most impervious to falsification already.  Or would you recommend I first spend a few years researching the in-house Chrisitian disagreement between charismatics, who say miracles still happen to day,  and cessationists, who say the age of miracles ceased hundreds of years ago?
And if every event must have a known analogy, then people in the tropics before modern technology could never have accepted that ice exists!
They would have been reasonable to deny ice if they never saw it, and always lived in a place where water never takes that form.  Just like Dr. Craig has never seen bricks float of their own accord, therefore, it doesn't matter if they have done so in absence of Dr. Craig, you cannot blame him for being skeptical of any such claim.
Today, perhaps the most common scholarly objection to the credibility of Jesus' miracles is that stories and myths from other religions that competed with Christianity in the first-century Roman Empire are similar enough that it makes best sense to assume that the Christian miracles stories likewise teach theological truth through fictional narrative. It is curious how often laypeople and even some scholars repeat the charge that the Gospel miracles sound just like the legends of other ancient religions without having carefully studied the competing accounts.
 Then count me out.  Stories of women getting pregnant by the gods by means other than normal intercourse can be reliability dated hundreds of years before the 1st century.  The concept was nothing unique.  Pindar wrote around 450  b.c. that Zeus took the form of a golden mist at the time he got the virgin Danae pregnant.
The story goes on to say that she was accurately characterized as "virgin goddess" at the time she gave birth to Perseus, so she apparently got pregnant in a way leaving her hymen intact.

Of course that story is fiction, but we don't need to show that other real virgin conceptions occurred before Jesus was born, we only need to show that the concept of "virgin birth" was common before the 1st century.  It was. Therefore, you are forbidden from leaping from "unique!" over to "must be historically true!".
For example, it is often alleged that there were virgin births and resurrection stories all over the ancient religious landscape. But, in fact, most of the alleged parallels to special births involve ordinary human sexual relations coupled simply with the belief that one of the persons was actually a god or goddess incognito. Or, as with the conception of Alexander the Great, in one legend almost a millennium later than his lifetime, a giant Python intertwined around Alexander's mother on her honeymoon night, keeping his father at a discrete distance and impregnating the young woman.
 Such comments are dismissed, you need to deal with the one pagan case of a virgin birth, the story of which originated hundreds of years before the 1st century.  We are reasonable as skeptics to dismiss the virgin birth of Jesus as nothing but a new fictitious spin upon an older fiction, whether you can trifle about this or that detail or not.

Furthermore, it does no good to pretend the differences between the Christian virgin birth and the pre-Christian stories of the same outweigh their similarities.   What fool would pretend that because the Geo Metro is so different from the Model-T, that therefore, the former must have arose completely independent from the latter?

So what danger do skeptics create for themselves by admitting the Christians took older pagan savior-god myths and gave them a new twist to make Jesus sound "better"?  Gee, Luke and Matthew's nativity stories aren't perfectly identical to similar pre-Christian pagan tales, so all of a sudden, the original nature of the Christian story argues for it's historicity?

Then why don't you believe Medusa was a real biological monster?  After all, her nature of having snakes for hair is an original concept, not a copy from an earlier myth, right?

But if the ability of the pagans to come up with an original spin upon an older motif, doesn't suddenly mean the new spin is describing actual reality, then the ability of 1st century Christians to come up with an original spin upon an older motif , doesn't suddenly mean the new Christian spin is describing actual reality.

Skepticism of the nativity stories is even more justified if we take seriously the patristic accounts that say Matthew the evangelist left behind his written gospel to replace him as he went off to other lands. That is, the tradition is telling us that Matthew seriously intended for unbelieving Jews to find his version of the nativity story to be true...despite the obvious fact that he merely quote-mines Isaiah 7:14, gives no explanation, and quickly scampers off, as if his telling of the story constituted the final proof that should be found acceptable to any reasonable person.

In other words, the original Christians appear to have been horrifically gullible, expecting unbelievers to convert on an especially uncritical basis.

And if Mike Licona's explanation for the zombie resurrection in Matthew 27:52 be reasonable, then we are dealing with at least one author of a nativity story who saw no problems in mixing truth and fiction in ways likely to deceive the reader about which was which. 
In the case of resurrections, there are stories about gods or goddesses who die and rise annually, often corresponding to the seasons and the times of harvesting and planting respectively. Greco-Roman writers use the term metaphorically at times to talk about the restoration to health of someone who was gravely ill or about the restoration to status of someone who was disgraced or deposed for a time from some position. But there are no stories from the ancient world (or the modern world, for that matter) of people known to have been real human beings, which began to circulate during the lifetimes of their followers, in which those individuals died completely, rose bodily to life again, and were declared to have atoned for the sins of the world.
See above.  The originality of the Christian version does precisely nothing to argue for its historicity, lest you insist that Medusa was a real biological Gorgon, all because the concept of a female with snakes for hair has no serious parallel in prior tales.
In fact, the closest parallels to Jesus' miracle-working activity in the ancient Mediterranean world all come from a little after the time during which he lived. Apollonius of Tyana, who lived in the late first century, was said to have worked two or three miracles very similar to Jesus' healings and resurrections.
Then count me out.  I don't falsify the resurrection of Jesus on the basis of Apollonius of Tyana.  I falsify the resurrection of Jesus by showing that the historical evidence in favor of that hypothesis is so utterly weak, contradictory and implausible that skeptics are reasonable to consider the hypothesis false.  Exactly to what degree the original stories were stolen from earlier pagan myths is a fun academic exercise, but does far less to compel skepticism, than the arguments that attack the merits of the gospel stories themselves.

The charismatic Jewish wonder-worker Hanina ben Dosa, whose stories appear in the later rabbinic literature, likewise reportedly worked a couple of miraculous healings similar to Christ's. The second-century Gnostic myth of an ascending and descending redeemer sometimes explicitly inserted Jesus instead of (or as) Sophia or "Wisdom" as its hero. Mithraism began to resemble Christianity only in the late second and early third centuries. But all of these developments are too late to have influence the first Christian writers; if anything, they may have been born out of a desire to make their heroes look more like Jesus and therefore more credible in a world in which Christianity was coming to have ever greater influence.
See previous answer.  Once again, the details of the god-men which can be documented from definitively pre-Christian sources, are quite sufficient to give the gospel authors plenty of ideas to put new spins in their effort to make Jesus sound like what the 1st century pagan mind would naturally expect of such sons of the gods.  Putting new spins on older motifs would be natural if they wished the people to think Jesus "better" than previous god-men such as Perseus.  They'd immediately cry foul if they found that the story of Jesus matched perfectly with the details found in older similar myths, especially given the Christian contention that Jesus is supposed to be the fulfillment of OT types and shadows, a trait the pagan gods never had.
If all the main reasons for not believing in the Gospel miracle stories fail to convince, what are positive reasons for believing in them?
 Are you drunk?  You haven't even STARTED exhausting the naturalistic hypotheses for the gospel miracle stories.  The most historically plausible hypothesis to explain John 7:5 is that Jesus' family saw his miracles and found them about as convincing as you'd find Benny Hinn's "miracles" to be.   It's a rather small leap from "Jesus couldn't work true miracles" over to "God would never premise his second covenant upon the words and works of a deceiver".
To begin with, they are deeply embedded in every layer, source and finished Gospel in the early Christian tradition.
But "multiple attestation" isn't the infallible authority you think it is, as can be seen by the obvious fact that witnesses often conspire to spin the truth.  Furthermore,  if the majority Christian scholarly opinion about Markan priority and the Two-Source hypothesis are correct, the only reason Matthew and Luke tell the same stories found in Mark, is because they are merely borrowing text from Mark.  They are NOT "independently" attesting to the stories.  Multiple attestation turns into garbage if the only reason Witness # 2 tells the same story as Witness # 1, is because Witness # 2 is simply reading from Witness # 1's previously filed declaration.
Jewish sources likewise attest to Jesus' miracles. Faced with the opportunity to deny the Christian claims that Jesus performed such amazing feats, Josephus and the Talmud instead corroborate them, even though they don't believe he was heaven-sent.
Meaning precisely nothing since the the more laudatory form of Josephus' text is clearly a Christian forgery, and regardless, we have to ask how Josephus would have known Jesus was a doer of many wonderful works, if in fact non-Christian Jews found Jesus to be a scoundral.  Since Josephus himself wasn't a Christian, it sounds like he speaks that way about Jesus only because he draws his information from secondhand Christian sources.  The Talmud's accusing Jesus of sorcery testifies to little more than pre-scientific gullibility.  There's a good reason why most authors from the 1st century and before never explain that an alleged miracle-worker's feat was a purely naturalistic trick:  such reporters were caught up in their culture and credited "tricks" to supernatural entities.
The rabbis often made the charge that Jesus was a sorcerer who led Israel astray, much like certain Jewish leaders in the Gospel accounts (Mark 3:20-30) accused Christ of being empowered by the devil.
The trouble being that Jesus' own family called him "insane" (Mark 3:21), which in the first century was the equal of saying Jesus was demon-possessed (John 8:52, lunacy is a mark of the devil).  That is, to take the gospels at face value, Jesus' own family didn't merely disagree with him, they were willing to categorize him in the worst possible terms this culture knew.  In such a collectivist honor/shame culture, they wouldn't likely draw such a negative picture of Jesus unless they perceived what he was doing to count as unforgivable acts of deception and departure from basic Jewish norms.  Since John P. Meier does such a good job of showing how gospel stories about Jesus are often a mix of what the story character actually said, and what the author is putting into their mouth, your blind black and white fundie approach, which simply insists on reading the bible like a modern newspaper, is dismissed, and as such, what Mark reports the gospel enemies as saying, is NOT a settled matter of history.  
In addition, the nature of Jesus' miracles contrasts markedly with most of those from his milieu.
Again, because giving a few innovative twists to the older motif was naturally expected in the race to  prove that one god-man was better than the rest.
There are a fair number of exorcisms and healing accounts from Jewish, Greek and Roman sources but none where a given wonder-worker consistently and successfully works his miracles without the use of magical formulae, paraphernalia, or proper prayer to God or the gods.
 Again, because Christians were innovative, and as already shown, you don't get "it's historically true!" out of "Christians told stories in ways different than the pagan versions were told".
The more spectacular miracles over nature have fewer parallels in the Greco-Roman world; where similar accounts exist there are also often reasons for disbelieving them. For example, the fountain in the temple of Dionysus in Ephesus flowed with wine once a year rather than with water. But Lucian explained that the priests had a secret underground tunnel that enabled them to enter while the building was locked at night and replace the water supply for the fountain with one of wine. This is hardly the background for Christ's miracle of turning water into wine.
Unfortunately for you, we don't know whether and to what extent Jesus conspired with others in trickery.  Any stupid fool at the front lines of a Benny Hinn crusade could go home and truthfully report in their diary that "Benny Hinn healed all the people of whatever ailments they had", because they are honestly recording their true convictions about the event  And yet such a first-hand "eyewitness report" leaves unanswered the critical question of whether the author's perception was accurate.  Thousands watch Benny Hinn smack people with his coat and "heal" various people on the stage, and they all think and report that such healings are genuinely supernatural.  They are also high on crack, as you would quickly agree.  How you could possibly pretend that accounts from 2,000 years ago, of disputed authorship, do a "better" job of reporting "actual reality", appears to have more to do with your a priori commitment to the reliability of the gospels, and less to do with common sense.  You start publicly questioning the gospels, you can look forward to being ousted by many long-time friends and starting over again at some other seminary.  Most people prefer the security of the social comfort they've known for decades, over a "truth" that might require them to be uproot and go somewhere else.
Apocryphal Christian miracles form part of narratives that tend to fill in the gaps of the gospel record. What was Christ like as a boy? How did the virgin birth occur? What happened when Jesus descended to the dead? The answers at times are quite frivolous compared to those in the canonical Gospels—Jesus the child fashioning birds out of mud and water and breathing life into them so that they might fly away, or cursing a playmate who has been mocking him so that he withers up. Indeed, even within Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the primary purpose for Jesus' miracle-working activity is to demonstrate that the kingdom is arriving, that the Messianic age has come (Luke 12:28 par.). But if the kingdom is coming, then the King must be coming. If the Messianic age has arrived, then the Messiah must be present. The miracles are not primarily about what God can do for us.
Irrelevant, the question is whether the miracles were genuinely supernatural, or purely naturalistic tricks.
The closest parallels to the miracles of Jesus are in fact in the Old Testament.
Another reason to say the Jesus of the gospels is not much more than a Moses or Elijah with a few innovative twists.
Feeding the multitudes with miraculously supplied bread, God's sovereignty over wind and waves, Elijah and Elisha raising people from the dead all appear as crucial background for understanding the New Testament texts. If anything, such parallels should inspire confidence in the reliability of the New Testament accounts.
No, such parallels should inspire skepticism toward the historical reliability of the gospels.  Regardless, trifles about how the Jesus story "parallels" something in the OT does more to give fundies something to gaze at, and less to give skeptics anything to worry about.  Modeling Jesus after Moses and Elijah is actually required if the story is supposed to be about how the OT "messiah" manifests himself.

The death of the messiah is not in fulfillment of the criteria of embarrassment.  Jesus really was executed.  This couldn't be denied, so his early followers, mostly Paul, had to think of a lie that would turn this defeat into a 'victory', especially in a culture soaked to the skin with tales of martyrs.  "My strength is made perfect in weakness", and all that bass-ackwards fortune cookie bullshit.  What's next?  Maybe atheism is true because it is easy to falsify?  How many other stupid backward aphorisms should we live by?
At the same time, nothing in Christian theology requires one to argue that only the biblical miracles ever occurred.
That's nothing but a trifle.  You don't spend nearly as much time pouring over the historical problems of ancient pagan miracle accounts, with anywhere near the obsessed way you do the gospel accounts.
Nothing in the Bible requires us to imagine that God uses only his people to work the supernatural, and both demonic inspiration and human manufacture can account for other preternatural works.
That's historically dishonest.  The question is not whether you, the Christian, can come up with a convenient way to "account for" the miracles in ancient pagan literature without sacrificing your own ancient miracle literature.  The question is two-fold:

a) why do you even grant the historicity of ANY ancient pagan miracle story, when you know perfectly well that most of them are shameless lies, and

b) why you don't reason from "true miracle" to "the theological claim must be true" in the case of pagan miracles, but you are quick to make such connection when it's a story about Jesus in the bible.  The patristic stories about Simon's miracles might be true, but the claim they point to (that he was a god) is false.  Why?  How do you know when miracles accurately substantiate a true theological claim, and when they don't?
Nothing requires them to be without parallel in later Christian tradition either. At the same time, historians should not and need not have a more credulous attitude toward biblical miracles than toward extra-biblical ones. When we apply the same criteria of authenticity to both, the biblical miracles simply enjoy more evidential support.
Then apparently you never read the story of Simon Magus and how his purely naturalistic tricks managed to deceive entire cities:
 9 Now there was a man named Simon, who formerly was practicing magic in the city and astonishing the people of Samaria, claiming to be someone great;
 10 and they all, from smallest to greatest, were giving attention to him, saying, "This man is what is called the Great Power of God."
 11 And they were giving him attention because he had for a long time astonished them with his magic arts. (Acts 8:9-11 NAU)
 It is perfectly reasonable to say Simon was employing purely naturalistic tricks, not Satanic power,  to delude gullible pre-scientific people.  The SOLITARY reason you insist he was doing genuinely supernatural feats with the aid of Satan is because if you admitted the naturalistic interpretation was better, you'd be deluged with "then why are you so hesitant to admit Jesus' miracles were purely naturalistic tricks?", and you find that through the artifice of crediting real pagan miracles to Satan, you spare yourself the need to account for your own inconsistency.  

There would be no obligation on the part of the objective historian to presume such deceivers were employing genuinely supernatural means.  Your Christian manner of accounting for pagan miracles might be a trifle, but it does nothing to intellectually obligate skeptics.  So if we have no compelling reason to think Simon was astounding cities with anything more than naturalistic tricks, we also have no compelling reason to think the gospel "eyewitness" authors were telling the truth about what they saw, anymore than we'd get similar truth from Benny Hinn's devotees as they write in their diaries what they "saw" from the front row.
When all is said and done, one of the most meticulous historians among contemporary biblical scholars makes the following significant observation:

    Viewed globally, the tradition of Jesus' miracles is more firmly supported by the criteria of historicity than are a number of other well-known and often readily accepted traditions about his life and ministry. . . . Put dramatically but with not too much exaggeration: if the miracle tradition from Jesus' public ministry were to be rejected in toto as unhistorical, so should every other Gospel tradition about him.6
 Nope, I'm a responsible historian. I have specific reasons for acknowledging that Jesus lived and was executed as a criminal, and I have good reasons for insisting that the miracles attributed to him in the NT constitute little more than fabrications and embellishments intended to make him seem more wonderful than he really was.

But you certainly get an "A" for effort.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Cold Case Christianity: How God Doesn't Use Hardship, but just laughs at you

This is my reply to an article by J. Warner Wallace entitled


One night, officers working the north end of our city were investigating a call of a suspicious person when they saw a suspect run from them and start hopping fences in a residential neighborhood. My trainee and I were working the adjoining beat area and we rolled up to assist them as they looked for the suspect. Once my trainee and I were in the neighborhood, I could see someone run across the street several blocks ahead of us. Unfortunately, once we got to the area, he was nowhere to be seen. We knew the suspect was nearby, so we started canvassing the area trying to see if he was hiding somewhere.
 And because your infinitely just god limits your police work to just empirical evidence, no miracles, sounds like your own god wishes for you to believe that the only hope anybody has in any situation is in looking to the empirical evidence.  How did you discover the Mormon church was heretical?  Prayer?  Or did you look at the empirical evidence?

Have you ever felt like God treated you the way I treat my trainees?
 Once again, you clearly aren't doing apologetics, you are only pandering to those who come to you with their god-presupposition already firmly in place.
Ever felt like God has been unduly harsh, or that He responded to your requests for help with silence, answering your prayer requests with a “No,” or at least a “Not yet?”
 One wonders how the Babylonian women would have answered that after God said he would stir up the Medes to go rape them:
 15 Anyone who is found will be thrust through, And anyone who is captured will fall by the sword.
 16 Their little ones also will be dashed to pieces Before their eyes; Their houses will be plundered And their wives ravished.
 17 Behold, I am going to stir up the Medes against them
, Who will not value silver or take pleasure in gold. (Isa. 13:15-17 NAU)
 Maybe you should ask the baby born to David and Bathsheba, a baby your god tortured unnecessarily for 7 days with a painful sickness before finally killing it:
 13 Then David said to Nathan, "I have sinned against the LORD." And Nathan said to David, "The LORD also has taken away your sin; you shall not die.
 14 "However, because by this deed you have given occasion to the enemies of the LORD to blaspheme, the child also that is born to you shall surely die."
 15 So Nathan went to his house. Then the LORD struck the child that Uriah's widow bore to David, so that he was very sick.
 16 David therefore inquired of God for the child; and David fasted and went and lay all night on the ground.
 17 The elders of his household stood beside him in order to raise him up from the ground, but he was unwilling and would not eat food with them.
 18 Then it happened on the seventh day that the child died. And the servants of David were afraid to tell him that the child was dead, for they said, "Behold, while the child was still alive, we spoke to him and he did not listen to our voice. How the (2 Sam. 12:13-18 NAU)
Wallace continues:
I don’t know if “love” is an appropriate way to talk about my feeling toward my trainees, but I can say that I honestly want to see them succeed and grow into the police officers I know they need to be.
 Then you are spiritually immature. Your religion requires that you put in less effort to achieve worldly goals, and more effort toward getting people saved.  If you train a trainee, they will have to split their time between work and church stuff, but the trainee who gives up the police academy and pursues ministry full time can do more for the Lord.  See the exact same rationalization from apostle Paul:
  32 But I want you to be free from concern. One who is unmarried is concerned about the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord;
 33 but one who is married is concerned about the things of the world, how he may please his wife,
 34 and his interests are divided. The woman who is unmarried, and the virgin, is concerned about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and spirit; but one who is married is concerned about the things of the world, how she may please her husband.
 35 This I say for your own benefit; not to put a restraint upon you, but to promote what is appropriate and to secure undistracted devotion to the Lord. (1 Cor. 7:32-35 NAU)
 I predict that Wallace is the most likely of all internet "apologists" to become "liberal" in his Christianity
If I, an imperfect FTO who knows only a little about each of my trainees, am willing to push them beyond their comfort to help them succeed, how much more would God, who truly loves you and knows everything there is to know about you, be willing to push you?
 Irrelevant, your god can wave his magic wand and get even an idolatrous pagan king Cyrus to do whatever god wants him to do, Ezra 1:1.  With such ability, we do good to stop our ears when idiots like you come along and assure us that god allowed our little daughter to be raped to death, for the sake of some greater unfathomable good. 

No, when you have the ability and opportunity to prevent evil, and and you can do so without causing a greater evil, and yet you just sit around doing nothing, this is called "neglect", and according to the moral opinion of most mature Christian and non-Christian adults, such neglect makes you culpable.

If you insist the case is different with your mysterious invisible 'god', then you need to stop pretending it can be beneficial to "reason" about him.  Every time a human analogy makes your god look good, you scream out praise.  Every time a human analogy makes your god look like a sadistic lunatic, you remind everybody that human analogies are too limited to place much confidence in.  Well FUCK YOU.
If I, an imperfect FTO who knows only a little about each of my trainees, am willing to push them beyond their comfort to help them succeed, how much more would God, who knows everything, be willing to push you?
The question is irrelevant to atheists about as much as "how much more would the tooth fairy, who knows everything, be willing to push you?" is irrelevant to those who deny the tooth fairy's existence.

By the way, you are once again merely coddling the classical theism of your followers (i.e, their belief that God is omnipresent, omnipotent, omni-max, all just, all merciful, blah blah blah).  But there are Christians who think the bible teaches that God makes mistakes.  These people are called "open-theists".  See here.

And the open-theists are correct:  God regrets his own prior decision to create man, Genesis 6:6-7, and nothing in the grammar, immediate context or larger context indicate the information in those verses is any less literal the the information in the immediate context.  The single SOLITARY reason you insist this is a mere "anthropomorphism" is because you know the bible elsewhere says God is perfect, and therefore, as a believer in bible inerrancy, you are forced to find a way to "reconcile" that passage with the others in the bible. But objectivity says that what Genesis 6:6 actually means in context, is more important than whether it can be "reconciled" with something else in the bible.
It’s hard to understand why God allows us to experience pain and hardship.
 Not when you deny his existence and affirm the obvious truth that we are nothing more than smart junkyard dogs on a damp dustball hurtling about lost in space.   Belief in a cozy afterlife might help the parents of the child who died in a fire, but your problem is that you try to push that comfort to be more than what it is, as if there's an actual reality behind it.  No. Heretical Christians and Mormons "feel" the Holy Spirit on Sunday morning, but because you insist they interpret the bible incorrectly, this "feeling" isn't from the Holy Spirit. 

So just because something feels good or "works" for you during your hour of need, doesn't mean it must be something more than wishful thinking.
I know I have often hoped God would simply intercede and take care of all my problems. But sometimes hindsight can hep us understand. Looking back at every challenge offered by an FTO, even when it felt like they were belittling me for the sake of being mean, I now recognize the skills l I developed as a result.
 So what you are saying is that if God stands by and allows your child to be abducted and raped to death, this will work the good of causing you to grow spiritually.  The last I checked, the responsible objective person includes ALL the benefits that any human act is likely to cause, before they determine whether such act is morally good or bad. 

Is fatal child rape bad because it degrades the child's earthly life?

Or is fatal child rape good because it causes the parents to cling so much closer to 'god'?

The more you talk about how evil can work a greater good, the more you justify calling an evil act good.  Indeed, it is whether the act produces more good or evil, that we decide whether it is a morally good or morally bad act.  Yeah sure, your bible tells you to avoid saying "let us do evil that good may come" (Romans 3:8), but to me that's nothing more than a stupid ancient author obviously unwilling to go where his own logic inevitably leads.  You may as well call "feeding kids nutritious food" as "evil", then automatically banning any attempt to show the goodness of such act.  Sorry, but if more good than harm is intended to result from the act, then the act is obviously morally "good". 

If we aren't justifying evil by showing some good can be learned from it, then the fact that good can come from evil also cannot be used to vindicate god and his allowing evil

Your obstinate presupposition that God is always "good" regardless of the evidence, is precisely what stands in the way here, and this stupidity on your part stems from little more than your obstinate committment to bible inerrnacy.  If the bible had said the clouds form from god sneezing, you'd be insisting that all weather-related science is a trick of the devil.  FUCK YOU.
In fact, I don’t think I would have developed those skills if I had been protected from the hardships of the job.
 Nice try at justifying evil, but FAIL.  If God can do what he is alleged to have done in Ezra 1:1, then he can simply infuse your mind with whatever skills he wants you to have.  Calvinists aren't wrong to view Proverbs 21:1 as the final nail in your Arminian coffin.  See also Acts 16:14, God opens the heart of a woman who sells purple, which in that culture meant she was a business woman intending to convince other people to indulge their hedonistic desires and waste money and expensive vanities.  So you cannot even argue that God cannot do this until you first make the freewill decision to seek after him.  No, God also turns the hearts of certain sinners while they are in the midst of their worldly passions.  So why doesn't he do to the entire world of sinners, what he does in Ezra 1:1?   Too busy watching HBO?

Is God like the stupid parent who notices the children playing with a loaded gun, but then instead of removing it, simply bitches about it, then later tells the jury in court how wise he is, since because one of his kids died from a gunshot, the rest of the family has, in their grief, grown closer to Jesus?  Well gee, I guess allowing kids to play with loaded guns isn't quite as evil as the non-Christian might have thought?
I am indebted to my FTOs for all the times they were… jerks.
 So when a little girl is raped to death, go tell her parents they should be thankful that God stepped aside and allowed evil to happen as this created for them the opportunity to grow spiritually, which would then, under your own convoluted reasoning, justify them to be joyful and happy.
Do you ever look back on the tough times of your life and see your own growth as a result of hardship?
Do women ever look back on the time when they were raped as children and see their own growth as a result of that hardship?
When I am going through a hard time, I ask God for his help, just like my trainees ask me.
 So do the Mormons.  But you'd insist that because they have a non-existent god, any comforting feeling Mormons get out of prayer, is purely naturalistic and deceptive.  Likewise, if you get a good feeling after prayer to god, that doesn't get rid of the stark possibility that such feeling is purely naturalistic. I suppose the practitioners of voodoo feel exuberant as they dance around slitting a chicken's throat and pouring its blood all over themselves, but us modern day atheists know full well how powerfully deceived these lunatics really are.
And I’m still upset when things don’t go my way.
 Then you need to grow up.  If your daughter is raped to death, this is just god working through his mysterious ways to make you more spiritually mature.  Don't worry, be happy.   The more you are upset at the death of a loved one, the more you are allowing Satan to control your desires.  Remember how Jesus rebuked Peter when Peter resisted Jesus' plan to get killed?
 31 And He began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again.
 32 And He was stating the matter plainly. And Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him.
 33 But turning around and seeing His disciples, He rebuked Peter and said, "Get behind Me, Satan; for you are not setting your mind on God's interests, but man's."   (Mk. 8:31-33 NAU)
If God gave you a vision of his infallible foreknowledge, which showed that next Friday at 11 p.m. your time, your daughter will be kidnapped from her bedroom and raped to would you respond?  In way that would cause Jesus to classify you as "Satan"?  Maybe you need to see how Jesus encouraged his followers to give up custody of their kids to free up more time to follow him around, so you can appreciate the fact that Jesus does not support the extremely powerful emotional bond between mother and child that typically characterizes the modern American Christian family.  Matthew 19:29.
But when I step back, I must acknowledge that God has always been good to me, even when he allowed hardship.
So God is being "good" to the little girl while she endures the hardship of rape?

Tell that to the little girls of the Congo whose only way to survive is as prostitutes in brutal trafficking rings.
I still struggle to feel “okay” through hardships, both professional and personal, but I have to acknowledge that a good God would not coddle me and prevent me from maturing.
 Correct, a good god would wave his magic wand, and cause you to suddenly have whatever level of spiritual maturity he wanted you to have, easy, done, no bloodshed, no pain, no rape, no need to rationalize lunacy.  Ezra 1:1.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Cold Case Christianity: Sorry Wallace, Daniel 9 isn't about Jesus

 This is my reply to an article by J. Warner Wallace entitled

Fulfilled prophecy is an important evidence of Divine origin, and I’ve already highlighted just a few of the more important fulfilled prophecies in the Old Testament.
 The OT contains no predictions about Jesus' life or death, except in the uselessly subjective "typological" sense. Since even Christian scholars admit this, who are spiritually alive, it is rather stupid for you to "expect" that spiritually dead people would or "should" appreciate the divine authenticity of your interpretation.
A fellow law enforcement brother, Sir Robert Anderson, described perhaps the greatest Old Testament prophecy, if his calculations were accurate. Anderson was the Assistant Commissioner of the London Metropolitan Police (Scotland Yard) from 1888 to 1901; he was also a theologian and author. He wrote many books related to Christianity, science and prophecy, including The Coming Prince. In this short volume, Anderson makes the case for a remarkable Old Testament prophecy from the prophet Daniel. While the Israelites were certainly comforted by prophecies predicting their enemies would eventually be destroyed, there was a far more reassuring prophecy described by Daniel. He predicted the coming of a Messiah, a savior who would deliver the Jews. Daniel’s prophecy was incredibly specific. I’ll do my best to reconstruct the case made by Anderson, but I encourage you to research his work for yourself.
Already have.  Years ago.  And there are even Christian bible believers who find Anderson's exegesis and calculations to be incorrect.  See here.  If spiritually alive people cannot even agree on what a bible verse means, how stupid must you be to insist that spiritually dead people "should" know better?  But if Christian common sense says atheist bible critics are just dumb dogs who cannot be expected to know better, then how stupid is it to try and "reason" with them?  Do you ever attempt teaching algebra to a dog?

Other Christian scholars disagree with Anderson's populist account:
Perhaps the most popular interpretation of this passage has been given by Sir Robert Anderson.  He pinpoints the end of the sixty-ninth week, the coming of “Messiah the Prince,” as Sunday, April 6, A.D. 32, and claims that this was the very day of our Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem.  Unfortunately this view, as spectacular as it is, faces some serious problems.
Robert C. Newman, Daniel’s Seventy Weeks And The Old Testament Sabbath-Year Cycle  
JETS 16:4 (Fall 1973) 230

Interpreters should hesitate before entering afresh into the exegesis of Daniel’s seventy weeks, a passage that has been characterized as “the Dismal Swamp of Old Testament criticism.”  
 J. Barton Payne,  The Goal Of Daniel’s Seventy Weeks, JETS 21/2 (June, 1978) 97-115, 
citing J. A. Montgomery, A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Daniel  
(ICC; New York: Scribner’s, 1927) 400.
Wallace continues in his blissful ignorance:
In 538 B.C. Daniel wrote the following bold prediction:
No, the 6th century B.C date for Daniel is nothing but a fundamentalist pipe dream, insisted upon solely because dating it that early would then require the conclusion that the author was empowered by God to accurately predict the future.  Responsible scholars who are more concerned about truth than defending bible inerrancy, date Daniel to the 2nd century B.C.  But obviously the issues are too involved to get into here.
Daniel 9:25
“So you are to know and discern that from the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince there will be seven weeks of years and sixty-two weeks of years”
In this prophecy (written 538 years before Christ was born), Daniel claimed there would be 69 “weeks of years” between the issuing of a decree to rebuild Jerusalem and the appearance of the Messiah.
But even Christian scholars acknowledge that getting Jesus out of Daniel 9 has more to do with flights of fancy than with serious exegesis: 
24–27 Jeremiah had spoken of seventy-years’ desolation for Jerusalem, but it was actually to last centuries longer than that. God is free to exact whatever chastisement he chooses. But the message’s good news is that it is not chastisement without end. The number 490 is not an arithmetical calculation to be pressed to yield chronological information. It is a figure that puts together two symbolic figures, the seventy years (a lifetime) of Jer 25:11/29:10 and the sevenfold chastisement of Lev 26:28. The result is a doubly symbolic figure extending from the beginning of chastisement in the exile to whenever it is seen as ending. The description of the end in vv 24–27 is allusive...In Jewish and Christian tradition, Gabriel’s promise has been applied to rather later events: the birth of the messiah, Jesus’ death and resurrection, the fall of Jerusalem, various subsequent historical events, and the still-future manifesting of the messiah. Exegetically such views are mistaken. The detail of vv 24–27 fits the second-century b.c. crisis and agrees with allusions to this crisis elsewhere in Daniel. The verses do not indicate that they are looking centuries or millennia beyond the period to which chaps. 8 and 10–12 refer...There is another aspect to the significance of Gabriel’s allusiveness. It accompanies an inclination to speak in the words of Scripture reapplied. Daniel is doing with Isaiah what subsequent exegetes do with Daniel. This, too, reflects the fact that the author speaks “with faith rather than knowledge” (Heaton). The period of deepest oppression did last about 3 1/2 years, but that is not the point. This is not prognostication or prediction. It is promise.
Goldingay, J. E. (2002). Vol. 30: Word Biblical Commentary : Daniel.
Word Biblical Commentary (Page 266). Dallas: Word, Incorporated.
  Perhaps this might have something to do with the fact that the KJV depicts a single messiah, the RSV depicts two.  You may laugh at the idea that Jesus had an identical twin never otherwise mentioned in history, but I say God's ways are I win.

And after the 1943 Pope issued Divino afflante Spiritu, Catholics have largely abandoned the fundie interpretation and have espoused the position of liberal Christian scholars on Daniel's 2nd century date, and the vatacina ex eventu nature of the history which the book dishonestly presents as predictions of the future.

Wallace continues:
In 464 BC, Artaxerxes, a Persian king, ascended to the throne. Nehemiah, the Jewish cupbearer to King Artaxerxes, was deeply concerned about the ruined condition of Jerusalem following the defeat of the Jews (Nehemiah 1:1-4). As a result, he petitioned the king:

Nehemiah 2:5,6
“Send me to Judah, to the city of my fathers’ tombs, that I may rebuild it. So it pleased the king to send me”.

According to the Old Testament, the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem was issued “in the month Nisan, in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes the king” (Nehemiah 2:1). The Jewish calendar month was Nisan, and since no day is given, it is reasonable to assume the date would be understood as the first, the Jewish New Year’s Day. And, in the Julian calendar we presently use, the corresponding date would be March 5, 444 BC.
 But even inerrantist Christian scholars find a different decree given on a different date, to be the "decree" Daniel speaks of:
The view accepted here is that the decree to Ezra in 458 B.C. is the correct starting point for the seventy sevens,
Miller, S. R. (2001, c1994). Vol. 18: Daniel.
Includes indexes. (electronic ed.). Logos Library System;
The New American Commentary (Page 263).
Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.
The new interpretation of Daniel’s “sevens” presented here allows us to retain Cyrus’ decree as the terminus a quo of the seventy “sevens” while at the same time taking Daniel’s numbers at their face value. Once we realize that the “sevens” can be any integer multiple of seven years, we can see that Cyrus’ 538 B. C. decree fits the terms of Daniel’s prophecy perfectly. Finally, while it is not my purpose here to enter into the vexed question of the meaning of Daniel’s final or seventieth “seven,...
David H. Lurie, A New Interpretation Of Daniel’s “Sevens”
And The Chronology Of The Seventy “Sevens”
, JETS 33/3 (September 1990) 309
At this point, one has to wonder whether the grammatical and exegetical ambiguities in Daniel 9 place an intellectual burden on the atheist bible critic to take the time to tromp through the commentaries and figure out which interpretation is "correct", or whether these uncertainties of text and translation intellectually justify the atheist bible critic to consider the issue of Daniel 9 as uselessly subjective, and choose rather to spend their time doing something more productive, such as watching Breast Monsters from Jupiter 26 times per day.
So when did the Messiah appear?
Doesn't matter, it wasn't Jesus, because Daniel 9:26 makes clear the messiah's function is limited to his earthly life, and his ultimate end is a sad thing, he is "cut off", and nothing more is asserted about him.  So unless you wish to say Jesus stopped being relevant after he was crucified...

There are several feasible interpretation not implicating Jesus:

Cyrus (539 bc, in Isaiah 45:1 god calls him :anointed’, Matthew Henry/New American Bible)
Onias III (171 bc, Jewish High Priest that was murdered, Cambridge Bible Commentary: Book of Daniel)
Zerubbabel (Interpreter’s Bible)
Joshua ben Jozadak (538 bc, see Zech. 4, Interpreter’s Bible/New American Bible)
And the original Hebrew doesn't set off the "messiah" in capital letters, that's limited to the English translation provided by the obviously Christian translators.
Jesus, on numerous occasions, forbade and prevented his followers from revealing His identity as the Messiah.
Or maybe those are just fabricated words the gospel authors conjured up and falsely placed into Jesus' mouth to help explain why this allegedly important person didn't make much of an impact during his earthly lifetime.  I find such viewpoint attractive given the sheer stupidity of a Jesus who runs around the countryside doing everything anybody would expect to cause his popularity to explode all over the place (Mark 1:45), and yet we are to believe such a person didn't want the very publicity he was creating for himself?

Exactly how often did Jesus act in diametric opposition to his intentions?  More than once a day?
He frequently performed miracles and swore His disciples to silence, saying his “hour has not yet come” (John 2:4, 7:6).
Yeah right...Jesus goes around causing large crowds to follow him the way deranged groupies follow rock stars (Mark 1:45)...but he didn't wish to attract any publicity?

If Jesus could cleanse the temple and somehow miraculously escape arrest/death, then apparently his swearing the disciples to silence was not something he deemed necessary to make sure his death came at the "appropriate" time. His swearing them to silence is nothing more than a fabricated literary device of the author.
But, on March 30, 33 A.D., when he entered Jerusalem on a donkey, he rebuked the Pharisees’ protest and encouraged the whole multitude of his disciples as they shouted, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord”. Jesus even said, “If these become silent, the stones will cry out” (Luke 19:38-40). This was the day on which Jesus was publicly declared the Messiah.
 William Lane Craig disagrees:
Now before we look at this passage in detail, let’s set the scene geographically and chronologically. It is the spring of the year, the time of the great Passover feast in Jerusalem, during the Jewish month of Nisan, which is in early April on our calendar. Passover always began on the 14th of Nisan, which that year fell on Friday. So scholars using astronomical data have determined that the date of the Passover feast during which Jesus was crucified was either April 3, AD 33 or else April 7, AD 30.  Source here.
 So do other scholars who otherwise try to get Jesus out of Daniel 9:
This is the only occasion that Jesus presented Himself as King. It occurred on April 6, 32 AD. When we examine the period between March 14, 445 BC and April 6, 32 AD, and correct for leap years, we discover that it is 173,880 days exactly, to the very day!  Source here.
Wallace continues:

Let’s compare then, the date of the decree (March 5, 444 BC) with the date of Jesus’ declaration (March 30, 33 AD). Before we begin, we must clarify (as noted by Anderson) an important feature of the Jewish prophetic year: It was comprised of twelve 30 day months (it had 360 days, not 365 days). Since Daniel states 69 weeks of seven years each, and each year has 360 days, the following equation calculates the number of days between March 5, 444 BC (the twentieth year of Artaxerxes) and March 30, 33 AD (the day Jesus entered Jerusalem on the donkey):

69 x 7 x 360 = 173,880 days

Now let’s compare Daniel’s prophecy with the true interval between the two events. The time span from 444 BC to 33 AD is 476 years (remember 1 BC to 1 AD is only one year). And if we multiply 476 years x 365.2421879 days per year (corrected for leap years), we get the result of 173,855 days. Close, but not precisely what Daniel predicted (although I still think this is pretty amazing). Now let’s add back the difference between March 5 and March 30 (25 days). What is our total? You guessed it, 173,880 days, exactly as Daniel predicted.
What's interesting is that other Christian scholars are aware of this type of apologetic, and yet do not find it convincing, thus raising the question of whether a skeptic would be wiser to consider this issue to be nothing but useless babble, and accordingly turn away from it.  If even spiritually alive people don't think Daniel 9 is an amazingly accurate prediction of Jesus, how stupid must you be to "expect" spiritually dead people to "recognize" this prophecy as amazingly accurate? 
The ancient Jews were careful to use prophecy as a measuring stick.
A goal that clearly failed them.
If someone claimed to be a prophet, yet his predictions did not come true, he was abandoned and his writings did not make it into the Canon of Scripture:

Deuteronomy 18:22
When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that [is] the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, [but] the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.
 Then there is a reasonable presumption that because the Jews sought to kill Jesus (John 11:53), either they were so stupid as to defy belief and suggest such stupidity is nothing but a literary device and not actual history, or, they had a reasonable basis to view Jesus as the type of lying prophet deserving of the death penalty (Deut. 13:5).

That's a question apologists never give a convincing answer to:  If in real life Jesus was just as wonderful and loving as he is presented to be in the gospel texts, then why were the Jews so pissed off at him?  Did the Jews also go around murdering little old women who sewed patches on baby blankets?  The whole business of the Jews opposing Jesus in a violent way sounds more like a dramatic literary device, because it doesn't "ring true" as literal history.  The only reasonable alternative is to presuppose that Jesus was more reactionary and insurrectionist than the gospels present him to be.  In that case, the Jews seeking to arrest and execute him rings a bit truer historically.

Sorry, Wallace, but again, your apologetics appear geared for nobody else except Christians.  When you decide to become honest, maybe some day you'll allow your devoted followers to watch you get steam rolled in a live debate with an atheist bible critic who has written a thorough critique of your Cold Case Christianity book.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Cold Case Christianity: Why Are Young Christians Leaving the Church? It’s Simple Math

This is my reply to an article by J. Warner Wallace entitled


Several years ago I had the opportunity to speak to an engaging group of Christians in Elgin, Iowa at the First Baptist Church of Elgin. The congregation was a wonderful combination of young families and older members who understand the challenges facing the younger Christians in their midst. I shared the overwhelming statistics chronicling the growing number of young Christians leaving the church during their college years, but many in the audience had already seen the departure firsthand. The dilemma was personal, and they were ready (and eager) to examine the causes (and the possible solutions). Before I shared my T.R.A.I.N. paradigm, I took a minute to describe the causal factors leading to the departure of so many young Christians. This isn’t rocket science; three simple truths combine to create the situation we see today:
 And significantly, none of your alleged causal factors include "because its harder for modern Christians to hide the problems of the bible in this information-age".
Our Christian Teenagers are Inarticulate and Uninformed
Unfortunately, most of the young Christians who graduate from our youth programs and enter college are surprisingly inarticulate about their Christian beliefs. Sociologists Christian Smith and Melinda Denton did an excellent job of reporting the problem in Soul Searching: The Religious Lives of American Teenagers. They discovered Christian teens have the ability to be articulate about a number of issues, but are seldom articulate when it comes to their Christian beliefs. Most could not describe simple principles and claims of Christianity, and even those who could, struggled to provide simple responses to typical skeptical objections they will surely encounter in college. Our students have not been trained with the university battlefield in view.
But I see nothing in the bible that indicates illiteracy is a bad thing, or that it needs to be overcome.  Illiteracy didn't stop the original Christians from allegedly possessing the power of the Holy Spirit to perform the work of evangelism and defending the gospel.  See Acts 4:13.  

It does you no good to trifle that this only means Peter and John weren't formally educated in schools; apostle Paul twice referred to the illiteracy of his intended readers with no sign in the context that he thought this to be any type of problem:
 26 For consider your calling, brethren, that there were not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble; (1 Cor. 1:26 NAU)
16 When this letter is read among you, have it also read in the church of the Laodiceans; and you, for your part read my letter that is coming from Laodicea. (Col. 4:16 NAU)
 Secondly, there is no reason why the average Joe living in Israel between 1500 b.c. and 200 a.d. should ever find it helpful to bother with learning to read or write.  Peter and John were allegedly fishermen, and you can cast nets and haul fish all day every day without even knowing how to spell your own name.  Unless your goal was to specifically become a person who needs to read and write, like a scribe, illiteracy was never deemed unacceptable at all in biblical days.

There is literally NOTHING in the bible expressing or even implying that being illiterate is an unacceptable state of affairs that believers have a duty to "overcome".  Wallace continues:
University Campuses are Generally Hostile to Christianity
And make no mistake about it, the university setting will likely be a battlefield populated with people opposed to Christianity. Sociologists Neil Gross (Harvard University) and Solon Simmons (George Mason University) conducted a study in 2006 revealing 1 in 4 university professors are atheists or agnostics (nearly 5 times the ration in the general population. And according to an Institute for Jewish and Community Research survey of 1,200 college faculty members, only 6% of the professors say the Bible is “the actual word of God,” 51% say the Bible is “an ancient book of fables, legends, history & moral precepts,” and more than half of the professors surveyed have “unfavorable” feelings toward Evangelical Christians.
The NT nowhere expresses or implies that becoming educated by worldly standards should be seen as helpful toward the goal of dealing with hostile critics of Christianity.  Therefore, under the conservative hermeneutic "where the bible is silent, we are silent", you are forced to agree that the NT has a solution for the Christian dealing with hostile critics of Christianity, and it isn't "learn how to read".  For all you know, America's long-time fascination with reading is against your god's wishes, since apparently the only purpose literacy is intended to serve is so the child can grow up and "get a job" (i.e., help promote a decidedly anti-Christian form of greedy capitalism).  Some would argue that we could learn to be spiritually mature much more efficiently if we forego buying a house and car, and simply choose to live on the street, especially since in today's world, to get a house and car require that you make committments that you have no rational reason to think you'll be able to keep.  You only want a house and car because you desire ease of life, not because you wish to use them for "god's glory". 
Young Men and Women Are Eager to Chase Their Desires with Liberty
Most of us, if we’re honest, understand the temptation facing young Christians, because we’ve also experienced such enticements. As fallen humans, we’ve all experienced the temptation of youth.
Sure is funny that as people get older their chasing after sin and vice occurs less and less.  This is true even for non-religious people and atheists. Elderly people who are very sinful are mere exceptions proving the rule.  Seems much more likely that mere aging, and not "god", are the reason why we chase after vice less often as we get older.  So unless you think older people have less freewill than younger people, then god could have taken the chemical and physiological truths about older people and infused them into younger people, and presto, the younger people would pursue "sin" far less than they currently do...yet nobody's freewill would violated.

By the way, we all remember when we were little that one kid at school that just seemed to always stay out of trouble get good grades, etc.  We also know lots of people who are free from spirituality/religion and yet who do not pursue worldly "vice".  Whatever realities about their brains cause them to find vice unappealing, God could have infused this into all other people, and all other people would pursue sin far less, yet nobody's freewill would be violated.

And by the way, I need not pander to freewill anyway: sometimes the more loving thing to do is to force the loved one to conform to your demands, such as having a rebellious drug dealing daughter involuntarily committed, or having your thief-son arrested and put in jail.  So I don't understand your hang-up about "freewill".  God would be even stupider than you if he went around always thinking that refusal to violate a person's freewill is always the more "loving" thing to do.  And if Romans 13:4 is true, it is "God" who wished for earthly authorities to violate the freewill of other people we call criminals.  And if God really did command Moses and Joshua to massacre the pagans, gee, did that involve violating anybody's freewill?

Apparently, your bible-god is far less worried about respecting freewill than you think.

And your trifle that god's ways are mysterious does nothing to intellectually obligate the skeptic, even if it might make people whose minds are still trapped by fairytale theology, to breathe a great sigh of relief.   Mormons could also invoke god's mysterious ways to explain why there's no South American archaeological support for exclusively Book of Mormon claims, but then again, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to recognize when the gods-ways-are-mysterious excuse is being abused as a cover for one's inability to overcome an argument.
For many of our Christian students, their college years are the first opportunity they’ve ever had to be free of their parent’s consistent oversight. It’s also a place filled with attractive young people, many of whom don’t share their Christian worldview. Consider the strength of the temptation and imagine the selfish value of an alternative worldview allowing young students to chase their passions and desires without restriction, inhibition or guilt.
 All very good reasons for the Christian to notice that they are far too concerned about worldly matters and they aren't serving Christ as well as they can, if they attend college.  NOBODY attends a secular college in order to grow closer to Christ.  They do it for no other reason than to help ensure they'll have a decent income in the future...a decidedly "earthly"  priority the NT nowhere endorses.  Yes, you need to pay your bills.  No, you don't need to take out a mortgage, have a car, or any of the other vanities made possible by the modern world.
For many, atheistic naturalism, with its alternate creation story, moral code, materialistic values and goals, is an incredibly attractive alternative to Christianity.
Sorry, atheism doesn't have a "moral code".  Morals are relative, which is why 10 atheists would disagree with each other on a host of moral issues.  But if you paint atheism as a "code" that tells its followers to just indulge in whatever they feel like doing, I'm sure your already entrapped cult members will clap rapidly enough to generate more book-sales. And we already knew that your "apologetics" was never aimed at informed skeptics anyway, you only preach to the choir.
The fallen inclination to chase our selfish desire is common to all of us, but it’s a critical driving force for many young students.
 Blame it on god, who refuses to use his magic fairy dust to successfully overcome a sinner's freewill resistance.  See Ezra 1:1.
It’s time to align our churches and ministries to engage the most important demographic within the Church: young Christians.
 Sounds to me like in your better judgement, the younger Christians are not spiritually mature enough to justify their trying to beat back the forces of darkness with "apologetics".  And it's perfectly clear in the NT that personal holiness must first exist before you can presume to teach others, as hypocrisy is a sin.  

The NT views the office of Christian teacher with grave solemn seriousness, James 3:1.  Something tells me that spiritually immature youth probably shouldn't be trying to do battle with the devil?
It doesn’t take a researcher with a PhD to understand the forces at work here. In fact, the dilemma can be characterized with a simple equation:
College Equation
Most of us ought to be able to predict the sum in this equation; it should be easy to anticipate the outcome. Take a closer look at all three “addends” being added in this equation. Which of these three additive realities can we, as parents, youth pastors and leaders, impact or change? We can’t change the hostile nature of the university campus or the human nature of our young Christians. If we want to alter this math equation, we’re going to have to get involved with the first addend. We’ve got to do whatever it takes to inform, equip and engage young Christians in a rational, evidential investigation of Christianity.
 That's not how Paul thought the youth should be reached.  He taught that their issues must be addressed at home, where the intent is that their home-education will help them be holy adults, Ephesians 6:1-3.

Wallace, it sure is funny that you give not a single second's consideration to the hypothesis that "college" in modern America is so filled with anti-Christian sentiment, the truly spiritual Christian will find non-Christian colleges to be off-limits.

But if you had considered this, you hurt your own reason for living:  The more Christians simply stay away from sources of sin, the less they need your books and speeches.

Jesus was worse, he encouraged people to give up custody of their own kids just to free up more time to go following him around. Notice "children" in the list of farms, houses, and other things Jesus wants them to give up so they can achieve the goal of eternal life and more:
 29 "And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or farms for My name's sake, will receive many times as much, and will inherit eternal life. (Matt. 19:29 NAU)
Wallace, you don't tell parents to seriously consider giving up custody of their kids just to make more time for Christian "ministry", so you aren't giving the needy Christian people the harsh lesson they actually need.
It’ll be tough enough for our students to resist the temptation to abandon their Christian worldview when tempted by their own desires; especially given the nature of university life and the encouragement they will receive to pursue their passions. But, it will be even easier to walk away if our students aren’t even sure why Christianity is true in the first place. It’s time to align our churches and ministries to engage the most important demographic within the Church: young Christians. It’s time to get in the game, redirect our efforts and start training.
Translation: "I'm a salesman.  Like all salesman, I seek to convince you a problem exists, and that I have a solution you can purchase!"

Sorry, Wallace, but if the Holy Spirit did just fine for 2,000 years without needing your marketing gimmicks, the sad fact is that you represent nothing more than somebody who has chosen to jump on the capitalist Jesus bandwagon, selling Jesus for profit, while making sure to allocate your fair tax-burden to other people who aren't dishonest enough to use religion to escape their civil responsibilities.

My reply to Bellator Christi's "Three Dangerous Forms of Modern Idolatry"

I received this in my email, but the page it was hosted on appears to have been removed  =====================  Bellator Christi Read on blo...