Saturday, July 29, 2017

Tough Questions Answered: Do the Three Accounts of Paul’s Conversion in Acts Contradict Each Other?

This is my response to an article by "Tough Questions Answered", entitled

The conversion of Saul/Paul is so important to the author of the Book of Acts that he presents the story three times (Acts 9, 22, 26).
Or there were several different versions of that story, which the author sought to harmonize.
Each version is different, and this fact has led some critics to say that the accounts are contradictory. But is that necessarily the case?
Contradictions don't have to be the case "necessarily".  Historiography is an art, not a science, and contradictions can be properly inferred from circumstantial evidence, its why juries often choose to disbelieve an alibi witness.  It is not true that the alleged contradiction has to be proven with absolute certitude, since no position about an ancient historical matter, where not corroborated by other disciplines, can be proven with absolute historical certitude anyway.  If certainty isn't needed to harmonize, certainty also isn't needed to show contradiction.
First, we must note that there are several common elements in the three versions:

    Saul is on his way to Damascus to gather up Christians.
    He sees an intense light.
    The Lord asks why Saul is persecuting him.
    Saul asks who the speaker is.
    Jesus reveals that it is he.

What are the differences? Darrel Bock, in The Gospels and Acts (The Holman Apologetics Commentary on the Bible) , writes:

    The biggest differences in the accounts have to do with whether the men traveling with Saul see the light and hear nothing (22:9) or stand speechless, hearing the voice but seeing no one (9:7). . . . Another difference is that Ananias does not appear at all in the Acts 26 account. . . . Another key difference between the accounts is that Saul does not mention his call to reach the Gentiles in the account given in Acts 9, whereas he shares this detail in Acts 22 and 26.

Bock then argues that each of these differences can be reconciled.
About the different experiences of the men traveling with Saul,
    The elements at play here can be reconciled (Witherington 1998, 312– 13),
 But just because the wording "can" be harmonized, doesn't mean the wording really is in harmony.  Defense attorneys often succeed in persuading juries that a perceived contradiction in their client's testimony can be harmonized, but that hardly demonstrates that the testimony was truly harmonious.
as for instance in the following way: The men hear a sound, but it is not intelligible to them;
The very idea that a person could speak to you loud enough to be heard by your traveling companions who all speak the same language, but they could not "understand" what was being said, is total bullshit.  We see the same dreck in John 12:29.  The extreme likelihood that this story is fable, outweighs whatever benefits you think are gained by harmonizing them.  You may as well show you can harmonize several different accounts of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Gee, a lot of good that would do!
they also see a light but not Jesus himself.
Once again, the dependence of the story upon miracles reduces the significance of showing harmony in the accounts. Sure is funny that, if the story be true, we hear nothing in history about those traveling companions converting, which they likely would have, had they believe Paul's interpretation of the experience was valid.
Only Saul sees someone in the light and is able to discern a speaking voice in the sound. Saul’s companions experience something less than the full event, which means that the appearance is neither an entirely private vision nor a fully disclosed public event. It is a public event whose details are for one man alone, Saul of Tarsus.
Which is precisely why the account is unbelievable, rendering pointless any effort to show the different accounts of it can be harmonized. 
John Polhill, in Acts, vol. 26, The New American Commentary , agrees with Bock:

    Paul’s traveling companions served as authenticators that what happened to Paul was an objective event, not merely a rumbling of his inner psyche.
Paul's traveling companions aren't doing the talking.  This is LUKE REPORTING what they said, as such it is hearsay, and must be evaluated as hearsay, not as if it was their own first-hand account.  And Luke's willingness to whitewash church history dishonestly just to make Paul look better (Acts 15, Jesus never requiring Gentiles to be circumcised would be the natural answer to the Judaizer question, but the apsotles instead avoid Jesus like Paul did, and like Paul, cite to the OT and their subjective ministry experiences to answer the Judaizers...yeah right!) doesn't motivate one to trust his hearsay reports where they clearly are intended to popularize Paul.
They heard a sound, but they did not see the vision of Jesus. Acts 22:9 says that they saw the light but did not hear the voice of the one who spoke with Paul. The two accounts are not contradictory but underline the same event. Paul’s companions heard a sound and saw a light. They could verify that an objective heavenly manifestation took place. They did not participate in the heavenly communication, however, neither seeing the vision of Jesus nor hearing the words spoken to Paul. The revelation was solely to Paul.
Once again, assuming your harmonization scenario works as well as you think it does, the argument against miracles and Luke's historical dishonesty render pointless any attempt to harmonize different accounts of edifying fiction.
Regarding Ananias being left out of Acts 26, Bock writes, “This may be in part because the book has already mentioned him in detail twice, in Acts 9 and 22. Luke chooses not to be redundant on this detail, and so he provides a telescoped account.”
If a "may" can justify you to declare a successful harmonization, why can't "may" justify a skeptic to declare a successful showing of contradiction?  Is there some law of the universe that says speculation can only be successfully invoked by fundamentalist Christians hell-bent on defending biblical inerrancy?
Regarding Saul not mentioning his call to the Gentiles in Acts 9, “Ananias notes in 9:15 that Saul would be called to a Gentile mission, so we probably have another example of telescoping. Another possibility is that Luke chose not to note this detail in his third-person narrative because the Gentile mission had not yet taken place, but this argument is somewhat weakened by the mention of the mission to Ananias. In any case, Saul’s not mentioning his Gentile mission in Acts 9 is simply an outcome of Luke’s literary choice, the exact reason for which is not clear.”
Which means the possible reason that the accounts are lies remains on the table, which sufficiently refutes the inerrantists who think the possibility of lying is off the table. 

Cold Case Christianity: Did the Apostles Lie So They Could Die as Martyrs?

 This is my reply to an article by J. Warner Wallace entitled

 129A few years back I spoke with Bobby Conway (the One Minute Apologist)
 Nothing spells "shallow research" quite like "one-minute apologist".

What would you think of an atheist bible critic who called himself the "one-minute bible critic"?
 and answered the question, “Did the disciples lie about the resurrection of Jesus?“As a skeptic, I believed that the story of the Resurrection was either a late distortion (a legend) created by Christians well after the fact, or a conspiratorial lie on the part of the original Apostles.
Then that was your error as a skeptic.  Given what we know about religious fanatics, its likely that the apostles felt that they had experienced visions of Jesus, and these subjective beliefs eventually morphed into stories of a bodily raised Jesus in the 20 years between Jesus' death and the writings of Paul.  Many of Benny Hinn's followers are telling stories of his miraculous healings the very next day after his "crusade" came to their town, but you find nothing compelling about the mere fact that the miracles were reported very early after the event at a time when they could be possibly falsified, agreed?
It wasn’t until I started working homicides (and homicidal conspiracies in particular) that I decided an Apostolic conspiracy was unreasonable. I’ve written a chapter in Cold Case Christianity describing the five necessary elements of successful conspiracies, and none of these elements were present for the Apostles. But even more importantly, the Apostles lacked the proper motivation to lie about the Resurrection.
You are a fool to assume that what a person is willing to say in public, always represents what he personally believes.  If the apostle authored gospels and epistles, that's no more indicative of their honesty about their true convictions, than the fact that Benny Hinn wrote "Good Morning Holy Spirit". 
My case work as a homicide detective taught me something important: there are only three motives behind any murder (or any crime, or sin, for that matter). All crimes are motivated by financial greed, sexual lust (relational desire) or the pursuit of power.
No, if somebody in the neighborhood guns down the recently paroled pedophile who recently moved to town, they aren't doing that for financial greed, sexual lust or pursuit of power, they are doing it to achieve a moral justice that cannot be achieved in the legal system.
If the Apostles committed the crime of fraud on an unsuspecting world, they were motivated by one of these three intentions.
Or like when mommy tells her 3 year old daughter to stay close or the Bogey Man will get her, the apostles were lying  to their followers, thinking believing such a lie would likely work more good than evil.  Scumbag homosexual apologist James Patrick Holding believes Christians can be justified to tell "honorable" lies.  From a theologyweb debate no longer accessible online:

03-31-2015, 06:49 PM #674
    Quote Originally Posted by B&H View Post
  Me: you have anything to say to defend against my argument that God, by ordering others to lie, as he did in 2nd Kings 22, is no less guilty of lying than the mob boss who orders a hit but doesn't actually pull the trigger?
Holding:  I guess you're too dumb to have heard of an honorable lie? Tell your master Kung Pu to beat you for not doing your social science homework.

 Wallace continues:
Most people will agree that none of the Apostles gained anything financially or sexually from their testimony,
And most people are stupid if they believe this, since while there might not be much sexual thrill involved in ministry, Paul was entrusted with enormous sums of money ostensibly to be conveyed to the Jerusalem church.  I don't have a problem with the idea that he delivered it, but I have a problem with the idea that Paul didn't stick his hand in the cookie jar.  Paul's attempt at fame enabled him to allegedly rent his own house for 2 years merely because his followers donated money to him, Acts 28:30.  I see no reason to classify Paul as any different than the thousands of insincere fakers who start ministries merely for the money.  Paul's stories of persecution are likely little more than tall tales.  And Paul's alleged willingness to cause such a stir that he becomes imprisoned, strongly suggest that yes, he had a naturalistic impulse to be the center of attention and to cause trouble, as can be seen anyway from his own admissions that before conversion he was an extremist Jew, hurting the Christians and imprisoning them.  He really was the type of guy who went to extremes for purely naturalistic reasons.
but some skeptics have argued the Apostles may have been motivated by the pursuit of power. Didn’t these men become leaders in the Church on the basis of their claims? Couldn’t this pursuit of leadership status have motivated them to lie? Wasn’t it a goal of early martyrs to die for their faith anyway?

The Apostles Knew the Difference Between Ministry and Martyrdom
The Book of Acts and the letters of Paul provide us with a glimpse into the lives of the Apostles.
They were also written by Paul's supporters or Paul himself.  I'd be just as impressed if Benny Hinn had one of his ministry partners send me a letter detailing miracles that happened when they were last in Uganda.  You don't care, and neither do I.
The Apostles were clearly pursued and mistreated,
That's what they say about themselves, and it was probably true to a certain extent, but so what?  Stupid people are known to cause trouble for themselves simply because they have a pathological need to stir up shit, despite being aware that they face consequences. 
and the New Testament narratives and letters describe their repeated efforts to avoid capture.
And Mel Tari describes many miracles in his "Like a Mighty Wind", so what?  He was known to be a swindler, and the fact that most of Paul's Galatian churches apostatized from him (Galatians 1:6) opens the door to the possibility that they found out Paul was a faker too.  And the fact that Paul's divinely appointed helper Barnabas (Acts 13:2) also eventually found the Judaizer position better supported than Paul's doctrines (Galatians 2:12-13) opens that door just a bit further.  And that door is kicked off the hinges with Paul's own admission that he would misrepresent his true theologicla beliefs if he thought doing so would make more converts.  1st Cor. 9:20-21.
The Apostles continually evaded capture in an effort to continue their personal ministries as eyewitnesses.
Wallace, are you trying to say something to convince Christians or skeptics?

If I couldn't convince you of Mormonism by quoting the book of Mormon to you, why do you foolishly quote the bible to skeptics who don't believe it? You constantly TALK about refuting skeptics, but your apologetics endeavors blindly presume the inerrancy of the bible despite the fact that this doctrine is not even believed by most Christians.
The New Testament accounts describe men who were bold enough to maintain their ministry, but clever enough to avoid apprehension for as long as possible.
And Benny Hinn says...and Kenneth Copeland says...and these guys have thousands of follows. 
The Apostles Knew the Difference Between a Consequence and a Goal
These early eyewitnesses were fully aware of the fact that their testimony would put them in jeopardy,
I don't deny Christians got in trouble for their faith, but I deny that the NT accounts of persecution are straight historical fact.  Paul knew the value of lying and exaggerating and misrepresenting himself, 1st Cor. 9:20-21 (how could he present himself as under the to the Jews, while not believing himself under the Law, and do this without misrepresenting his true theological beliefs?  Anything less than outright lying would be insufficient to convince the Jews that you really did believe yourself to be under the Law).
but they understood this to be the consequence of their role as eyewitnesses rather than the goal. That’s why they attempted to avoid death as long as possible. While it may be true that later generations of believers wanted to emulate the Apostles through an act of martyrdom, this was not the case for the Apostles themselves.
Have you never read the bible?  John 21:19, if authored by John as you presuppose, shows the first apostles regarded their death by persecution as a thing glorifying God. That's not going to disappear just because the apostles, afflicted with cognitive dissonance as they were, believed this while also attempting to escape death.
The Apostles Knew the Difference Between Fame and Infamy
It’s one thing to be famous, but another to be famously despised. Some of us have attained widespread fame based on something noble (like Mother Teresa).
You are a fool, Mother Theresa's fruits included just as many heartless capitalistic ventures as they did good works
Some of us have attained widespread fame because of something sinister (like Jerry Sandusky). The apostles were roundly despised by their Jewish culture as a consequence of their leadership within the fledgling Christian community.
Then apparently you never read Acts 21, or if you did, you never bothered to ask yourself how Apostle James, leader of the Jerusalem faction of the church, could have ended up with a church filled with thousands of Jews, who converted to Christ but retained their zeal to do the law nonetheless.  How do you figure James managed that, given your assumption that he taught the same law-free gospel that Paul did, which said Christ was the end of the law?  Not only was James' church full of legalistic Jews, they trusted in an allegedly false rumor so much that James felt a speech by Paul would not be sufficient, he would have to make a substantial sacrifice of time and money doing what Jews do, to convince them the rumor was false:
 18 And the following day Paul went in with us to James, and all the elders were present.
 19 After he had greeted them, he began to relate one by one the things which God had done among the Gentiles through his ministry.
 20 And when they heard it they began glorifying God; and they said to him, "You see, brother, how many thousands there are among the Jews of those who have believed, and they are all zealous for the Law;
 21 and they have been told about you, that you are teaching all the Jews who are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses, telling them not to circumcise their children nor to walk according to the customs.
 22 "What, then, is to be done? They will certainly hear that you have come.
 23 "Therefore do this that we tell you. We have four men who are under a vow;
 24 take them and purify yourself along with them, and pay their expenses so that they may shave their heads; and all will know that there is nothing to the things which they have been told about you, but that you yourself also walk orderly, keeping the Law. (Acts 21:18-24 NAU)
  Wallace continues:
If they were lying about their testimony to gain the respect and admiration of the culture they were trying to convert, they were taking the wrong approach.
Then Paul was a liar and took the wrong approach, because the Paul of Acts 21 who goes long with a Jewish vow and pays their expenses in doing so, also characterized his own Jewish heritage and its benefits as feces:

 4 although I myself might have confidence even in the flesh. If anyone else has a mind to put confidence in the flesh, I far more:
 5 circumcised the eighth day, of the nation of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; as to the Law, a Pharisee;
 6 as to zeal, a persecutor of the church; as to the righteousness which is in the Law, found blameless.
 7 But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ.
 8 More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish (Greek: skubalon, refuse, feces, trash) so that I may gain Christ,
 9 and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith, (Phil. 3:4-9 NAU)

What would you think of the man who goes to a Mormon church, participates in all that they do, but when at home alone, he goes on the internet posting convincing reasons to believe Mormonism is dogshit? 
The Apostles only succeeded in gaining the infamy that eventually cost them their lives. This was obvious to them from the onset; they knew their testimony would leave them powerless to stop their own brutal martyrdom.
So?  Christians of today face equal persecution in Afghanistan, Arabia and North Korea, that hardly argues that their religion is true.  You will say it was different with the original apostles who would have known their claims were false, if they were false at all.  I answer that Paul's propensity to go from one extreme to the other (from jailing Christians to advocating for their cause) and his propensity to have bizarre experiences that left him unable to tell, 14 years after the fact, whether they occurred in his body or out of his body (2nd Cor. 12:1-4), refute you and lay a rational basis for saying at least PAUL was sufficiently delusional that he would not have been able to know whether his belief in Jesus' resurrection was true or false.  When this is combined with the fact that absurd esoteric experiences were allegedly common among the first Christians (Acts 2, tongues of fire, 1st Cor. 13-14, speaking in tongues), this whole idea you have about how the apostles surely knew whether their claims were false, is about as stupid as saying the Mormons, living in the age of the internet, and so capable of researching their own claims, surely know whether their claims are false.  Nope, people have a funny way of thinking the dumber something is, the more likely true it is.  Irenaeus would have not admitted how strong the Marcion and other gnostic heresies were, if humans of those times had some built-in motive to objectively verify things before trusting in them.  And the sins of Paul's Corinthian churches (1st Cor. 3:2 ff, 11:17 ff) support my contention that first-century conversions under the original apostles were no more likely to be genuine than 20th century conversions under Billy Graham at a tent revival.
As I examine the motives and consequences related to the testimony of the Apostles, I still find their martyrdom to be one of the most powerful evidences related to the veracity of their testimony.
The evidence for the martyrdom of each apostle is absurdly weak and inconsistent. Josh McDowell's son Sean wrote a doctoral dissertation evaluating the veracity of the historical evidence for the martyrdom of the apostles, and he acknowledged that most accounts were contradictory, ambiguous and late.  I am therefore singularly unimpressed with his ending comments wherein he finds them to be sufficiently credible to compel trust.
Think about it for a minute: twelve designated eyewitnesses traveled the known world to testify to the Resurrection.
The fact that we don't know jack shit about what most of the 12 apostles did after Jesus died (McDowell's thesis indicating the patristic traditions on them are late, contradictory and ambiguous), strongly suggests they actually didn't do anything worth remembering.  It is not likely that if the later patristic stories of their preaching and martyrdom are, the NT would have neglected most of the 12.   Even if the NT were written before some of these 12 did their preaching work, we'd expect if they were real apostles working real miracles and making many conversions, the NT would include 2nd century accounts about these matters for the same reason Acts mentions successful church planting in the first century.  It is irrational to claim that these garbled fantastic patristic accounts should be accorded our trust, and that those who remain skeptical are willfully blinding themselves. 
Not a single one of them recanted their testimony.
That's an irresponsibly couragous statement given the great problems of veracity and authentity of the sources as McDowell acknowleges.

And failure to recant by those in a position to know the claims were false, proves nothing either. Was Brigham Young in a good historical position to know whether Mormonism was false?  Yes.  Did he ever recant?  No.  You also overlook that the Christian religion provided another reason for people to group together, which would have made the difference between life and death during the famine of 41 a.d. ff.  Sometimes you stay even when you believe it is false, like so many Mormons who secretly know their religion is bullshit, but stay in it anyway beacuse of the enormous social benefits to be had from staying in such a group.
Not a single one of them lived longer because of their testimony.
Then apparently you didn't know that apostle John died as an old man.
Not a single one benefited financially or relationally.
yeah, we can be sure that when Paul took that big bag of money to the Jewish church (1st Corinthians 16:1-3), he surely didn't skim a bit off the top for himself.  Yeah right, and if we see Benny Hinn walking out of a hotel room with Paula White, we have a responsibility as good Christians to assume they were only talking in the room, until somebody can prove otherwise, god forbid that we should ever draw inferences from circumstantial evidence the way jurors do every day when convicting criminals.
These folks were either crazy or committed, certifiably nuts or certain about their observations.
Or they were religious fanatics whose true history, while likely including real persecution, was exaggerated by NT and patristic authors.

You don't think the book of Acts is lying to you about anything?  Ask yourself how likely it is that when the apostles were confronted with the Judaizers at the Council of Jerusalem, they didn't appeal to Jesus' authority.  Nothing in Acts 15 expresses or implies that the apostles attempted to refute the Judaizers on the basis of anything Jesus did, said or omitted to say/do.  How likely is it that Jesus could have had such a huge following as the gospels say (Mark 1:45, "large crowds" mentioned elsewhere), and yet the question of whether Gentiles need to get circumcised somehow never came up? The Book of Acts is having the apostles in Acts 15 answer the Judaizer controversy the way Pual would answer a theological problem (by quoting the OT) because the author of Acts is devoted to promoting Paul's viewpoint far more than in promoting actual historical truth.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Screwy Moments in Scriptural Interpretation: James Patrick Holding fails to defend God's honor

I made the argument at this blog that in light of Paul's express wording in Romans 7:7 that he wouldn't have known coveting was a sin except this had been explicitly prohibited in Mosaic law, Christians cannot call something "sin" unless it has been prohibited in Mosaic Law.

I made that argument as part of my larger argument that the bible-god must approve of sex within adult child marriages, one of my arguments intended to show error in the bible (here, moral error, even by Christian standards).  The argument itself was:
Fourth, if Holding thinks Romans 7:7 is inspired by God, then Paul's language there giving criteria for identifying sin, is so strong it leaves no logical possibility of being able to identify sin where the Law is silent on the act:
 6 But now we have been released from the Law, having died to that by which we were bound, so that we serve in newness of the Spirit and not in oldness of the letter.
 7 What shall we say then? Is the Law sin? May it never be! On the contrary, I would not have come to know sin except through the Law; for I would not have known about coveting if the Law had not said, "YOU SHALL NOT COVET."
 8 But sin, taking opportunity through the commandment, produced in me coveting of every kind; for apart from the Law sin is dead. (Rom. 7:6-8 NAU)
Does Holding agree with Paul, that Paul would not have known coveting was a sin, except this act had been prohibited in Mosaic Law, yes or no?  If yes, then because the Mosaic law doesn't prohibit sex within adult-child marriages, Holding cannot have a biblical justification to call that act a "sin".  Holding will say the bible teaches we can know sin through our conscience, but the only reason our conscience tells us what sin is, is because God wrote his law on our heart, as Paul said:
12 For all who have sinned without the Law will also perish without the Law, and all who have sinned under the Law will be judged by the Law;
 13 for it is not the hearers of the Law who are just before God, but the doers of the Law will be justified.
 14 For when Gentiles who do not have the Law do instinctively the things of the Law, these, not having the Law, are a law to themselves,
 15 in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them,
 16 on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge the secrets of men through Christ Jesus.
 17 But if you bear the name "Jew " and rely upon the Law and boast in God, (Rom. 2:12-17 NAU)
In context, the "Law" that is on the heart of the Gentile (v. 15) is no different than the written Mosaic Law that is otherwise exclusive to the Jew (v. 17), and that contextual link cannot be undone by citing to commentators who think "work of the law" is something different than the "law".
The full blog post where that argument was made is here.

Mr. Holding responds now with, you guessed it, another "cartoon" response, which apparently is the only way he can channel his aggressive spitefulness without committing a crime.  By living in dreamland, Holding can watch himself beat up those bad 'ol atheists and causes all the fantasy injuries he wishes he could inflict in real life.

Holding tries to counter by asserting, again, typically, without recourse to any scholarly commentary (why would God need a commentary anyway when he is posting his cartoon videos to YouTube?)

At :40, Holding says Paul is speaking in the past tense of his own experience.  He says this while flashing the following text:


First, Paul's wording is absolutist:  he would not have known coveting was a sin except the law had said "thou shalt not covet", and this directly contradicts Holding's belief that Paul could have known sin by conscience alone.  Paul did not say it would have been unlikely for him to have known such sin apart from the Law, but bluntly that he would not have known coveting was sin, apart from the Law.

Paul's choice of wording is absolute, it is inconsistent for a person who thinks there are more ways the the Law to recognize sin. If you don't need a car to go to the store, you don't say "if it hadn't been for my car, I'd never have made it to the store."

If Paul believed he could know sin by some way other than the law, then he erred by speaking in absolute terms in 7:7.

Second,  allowing that Holding is correct to say the bible teaches we can also know sin by conscience alone, all he gains is the ability to show that people can know by conscience alone that sex within adult-child marriages is sin...but that would not be sufficient to speak that moral opinion dogmatically.

You are imperfect.  What bothers your conscience doesn't decide how God feels and doesn't dictate how other people should think.  If sex within adult-child marriage is disapproved by God, you don't prove this by telling everybody how much the whole idea bothers your conscience.

So Holding simply creates further problem with his conscience argument:  How do you persuade the Christian brother that his conscience isn't reflecting God's morals, if your only basis for proving it is your own conscience?

If Holding is so sure that his bible-god thinks sex within adult-child marriages is sin, let him provide the following evidence:

1 - Biblical or historical evidence showing the minimum age ancient Hebrews thought a girl  must reach before a man could marry her.  Why does he automatically assume it would have been 12 years old just because that's what the Assyrians and Sumerians and Egyptians believed?  If you find out that I live in America, do you automatically assume I love mom, baseball and apple pie?  Why can't we adopt that age into our consent laws today, the stupid way Mr. Holding automatically assumes that the riposte of honor/shame cultures in the ANE automatically applies to Christian apologetics today?

2 - Biblical or historical evidence showing the minimum age ancient Hebrews thought a married girl living in the days of Moses must reach before her adult husband can have sex with her.  Holding, in his effort to avoid my argument, has said a man's getting married to a girl didn't automatically allow him to have sex with her, so I'd like to know what biblical or historical evidence he has that any ancient Hebrew man ever a) married a girl too young for sex, and then b) waited until his wife was older before having sex with her.  Don't tell me it was possible, because you've so far produced no evidence that any such thing ever happened, while most scholars are agreed that in the ancient world, marriage was the justification for sex.  I said marriage, not "betrothal".  I can buy that a Hebrew man would refrain from sex during betrothal, what I cannot buy is your speculation that even after "marriage", the Hebrew man would still refrain from sex until his wife was "old enough" for it.

3 - Why God was silent respecting this horrific crime against children, but spoke several times, clearly prohibiting bestiality.  Holding cannot say God expected us to use our common sense, otherwise, the fact that God specifically prohibited bestiality means God didn't expect us to know from "common sense" alone that sex with animals was forbidden or immoral. 

4 - Why we cannot classify this "sex within adult child marriages" thing as a non-essential based on God's screaming silence, and therefore, as a non-essential, make the argument that disagreement over this practice is not a sufficient reason to justify disfellowshipping or excommunicating someone.  Either explain that, or demonstrate that God's beliefs about the minimum age for girls to get married, is an "essential" about which liberality of opinion cannot be tolerated.

My reply to Bellator Christi's "Three Dangerous Forms of Modern Idolatry"

I received this in my email, but the page it was hosted on appears to have been removed  =====================  Bellator Christi Read on blo...